新概念第3册Lesson56 ppt.ppt

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新概念第3册Lesson56 ppt

Lesson 56 Our neighbor, the river pump n. 抽水机、泵、打气筒 v. 用泵输送 pump sth out of sth pump water out of the mine pump sth. up 打气 pump sb. up My heart was pumping with excitement. pump bullets into sb. overtake (不愉快的)事情降临… Sudden panic overtook me. be overtaken by a storm / misfortune Our original plan was overtaken by events. 我们的计划没赶得上变化。 predecessor cess- = go access process procession excess 反义词:successor crown n.王冠 the crown王位 Crown prince王储 retain the crown卫冕冠军宝座 v.加冕;戴上… British kings are crowned in Westminster Abbey. be crowned with wreath a holly wreath wreaths of mist laurel wreath桂冠 gain / win / rest on laurels occurrence n. occur v. common / everyday / regular / frequent occurrence 司空见惯 incidence coincidence accident proportion The proportion of men to women in our college changed dramatically. in proportion to… out of proportion to… a sense of proportion 分寸感,事有轻重缓急 stall install installation installation costs the installation of our president installment 分期付款的一期付款 pay for the house in/by installments one-off payment sweeping adj.全面的,彻底的,一概而论 sweeping reforms sweeping majority sweeping victory sweeping generalization get a sweeping view 一览无余 critical crit- = judge criterion hypercritical be highly critical of the service be of critical importance in a critical condition 近义词:crucial cruc- = cross crusade crucify unduly adv. =excessively undue adj. 不适当的 do sth. in undue haste exert / put undue pressure due adj.适当的 after due consideration in due course 到期 Your paper is due tomorrow. stout a short and stout man a stout pair of shoes a stout defense This job requires a stout heart. submerge be submerged in … Her happiness submerged her former worries. The unimportant details submerged the main point of the discussion. Para. 1 The river which forms the eastern boundary of our farm has always played an important part in our lives. Thesis statement Expressions of being “important” ____ be of infinite / tremendous importance ____ play


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