新概念第二册 55课 Not a gold mine.ppt

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新概念第二册 55课 Not a gold mine

9. The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk. thoroughly adv. 彻底地 completely/thoroughly/totally Lesson 55 Not a gold mine diamond jade silver gold New words and expressions 1. gold gold mine gold ring gold necklace gold ear ring gold watch 比较:golden golden age 黄金时代 golden wedding 金婚 黄金质的 黄金般的 2. mine 我的 e.g. a friend of mine b. 矿 e.g. gold mine coal mine 煤矿 copper mine 铜矿 iron mine 铁矿 3. treasure n. 财宝 (为总称, 没有复数) 4. detect detect sb. in doing sth. 觉察某人正在做某事 detection n. 探测 detective n. 侦探 5. bury buried treasure 埋藏的财宝 bury oneself in sth. / in doing sth. 专心致志于某事 He buried himself in learning English . 他专心致志地学习英语。 6. arm v. be armed with sth. 用……武装 arms n. 武器 army n. 军队(多指陆军) 7. entrance the entrance to /of… …的入口 e.g. the entrance to/ of the park exit n. 出口 (from )… 8. confident e.g. He lacks confidence in himself . e.g. He has confidence to get full marks . e.g. I have confidence that you will get the job. n.信心 confidence in sth to do sth. that 从句 Exercises He has_________to get full marks . He lacks__________in himself . He is quite_________that he will pass the examination. confidence confidence confident Text analysis 1.Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. come true:(梦想)成真,come作连系动词 dream of doing sth. e.g. I dream of flying in the sky. 3. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where-it is said- pirates used to hide gold. it is said:据说,插入语作补充说明,可去掉 used to:过去常常...,但现在已经不这样了 be used to doing:习惯于做某事 be used to do 被用来做…… 2. A new machine called ‘The Revealer’ has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. 4. The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. bury和fail都是跟在助动词would后的谓语动词 fail to do sth.:没能做某事 collect:取走 5. Armed with the new machine, a search part


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