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Lesson 88;;;;If you are trapped in a mine, what will you do?;;words;trap (1) v. 陷入,使陷于困境 他被困在禁猎区。 He was trapped in the game preserve . (2)v. 将(某人)诱入圈套 trap sb into doing 诱使某人做某事 他们骗她卖了房子。 They trapped her into selling her house . (3) n.(捕鸟、兽等用的)圈套、陷阱 它掉进了陷阱. It fell into a trap . ;vibration n. 震动 我们能够感觉到外面卡车路过的震动。 We could feel the vibrations from the trucks passing outside. vibrate (1) v. 震动、摇动 他气到双肩颤动。 His shoulders vibrated with anger . (2) v. 受……而感动 那张画感动了我的心灵。 My heart vibrated to the painting . ;collapse (1) v. 坍塌、瓦解、崩溃 这房子快要倒塌了。 The house will collapse . (2) v. 折叠、可折叠 这种沙发可以折叠,不用时很容易收藏。 This sofa collapses , so I can store it easily . ;drill (1) v. 钻孔 我忙着在墙上钻洞。 I am busy in drilling a hole in the wall. (2)v. 训练 (某人),反复练习、接受训练 练习英语发音 drill in English pronunciation (3) n. 锥子、钻孔机 用钻打洞 make a hole with a drill;capsule n. 容器、胶囊 他们一下吃了许多粒胶囊。 They swallowed many capsules at a time. medicine : pill ? 药丸 powder ? 药粉 tablet 药片 capsule ?胶囊 ; layer (1) n. 层、一层 两层蛋糕 a cake with two layers (2) 下蛋的鸡 a good layer 长下蛋的鸡 ←→ a bad layer 不常下蛋的鸡 ;beneath (1) prep. 在......之下 让我们在树下休息。 Let’s take a rest beneath the tree . 我脚下的土地松软。 The ground beneath my feet was soft . (2)(地位、价值) 较……差的,较……不值的 说这些话有些失你身份。 Such words are beneath you . ;lower (1) v. 放低(高度、位置) ,降低 她垂下眼睛。 She lowered her eyes . (2)a. 更低的; 较低的; 下层的 He belongs to the lower middle class. 他来自中产阶级下层。 ;progress (1) v. 进展,进行 我们现在工作进展顺利。 We are now progressing steadily with our work (2) v. 进步、上进 progress in sth.在某方面进步迅速 你在数学上进步迅速。 You have progressed quickly in mathematics . (3) n. 进步 医药的进步 the progress of medicine ;smoothly adv. 顺利地、平滑地 我们的工作进展顺利 Our work goes smoothly. 自动扶梯没有顺利运作。 The escalator didn’t operate smoothly . ;smooth (1) adj. 平滑的 、顺利的 The water was as smooth as glass. 水面光滑如玻璃一样。 (2) adj. 温和的 They are smooth in their manners . 他们举止彬彬有礼。;;Language points ;Six men have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours. 金矿


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