新概念第二册Lesson_7 By Suby.ppt

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新概念第二册Lesson_7 By Suby

Lesson 7 Too late; Annoying Airport 恼人机场;(在路上) You must check-in(办理登记手续) at least one hour before.;(在路上) 去机场的交通工具: your own car taxi airport bus maglev;(机场外) the main building主楼、航站楼 airlines航线、航空公司 CZ南航 MU东航;(机场内) Step one :check-in ID card身份证 boarding card登机牌;(机场内) Step Two security安检 the Customs House海关;(机场内) Step three: departure lounge候机室 departure gate登机口;(on the plane) attentions:”Turn off” mobile phone lap-top;(on the plane) 也有令人愉悦的: 可以享用的饮料和飞机餐: water, tea, coffee coke, Sprite, orange juice, rice or noodle pork, beef, chicken or fish;(下飞机后) luggage claim行李领取处;New words and expressions ;重点词汇强化记忆;Guess? + + = Sherlock Holmes夏洛克·福尔摩斯 detective侦探 a private detective私家侦探; guard [ɡɑ:d] n.警戒,守卫 keep guard守卫 security[sikju?riti] guard 保安 prison guard 看守 body guard 保镖 ; airport, the main building, airfield, the Customs House;Precious(珍贵的) valuable(有价值的) valueless(无用的), ;Today we will learn a story about diamonds. But there’s something wrong about them. What happened? Let’s listen to the radio and try to understand the main idea of the story. ;Listen and answer :;Question 1: Why were detectives waiting at the airport?;Phrases;Other new words and expressions ;;;4.precious 珍贵的 valuable 有价值的 invaluable 无价之宝,价值连城…… valueless 毫无价值,没用的…… ;;a _______ of _______ a bag of rice 一袋大米 a parcel of diamonds 一包钻石 a packet of crisps 一小包薯片 a bar of chocolates, a chocolate 一条巧克力;Phrases; The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. 讲故事(故事中常常用到“过去进??时“): 一个男孩在火车站等待了近一个小时。 A boy was waiting at the railway station for nearly an hour.; They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.


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