新概念英语 lesson87-88.ppt

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新概念英语 lesson87-88

动词原形  过去式  过去分词 buy find get have hear leave lose make meet send sweep tell bought found got had heard left lost made met sent swept told A-B-B结构 bought found got had heard left lost made met sent swept told 1.Whats the number of Mr. Woods car? Its LFZ 312 G. 2.When did he bright it to the garage? He broght it there three days ago. 3. How did he have a crash? He drove it into the lamp-post. 4.Can the mechanics repair Mr. Wood’s car? No, they cant. A car crash Lessons 87-88 Lesson 87 A car crash New words and expressions: attendant [?tend?nt] n. 接待员 bring [bri?] v. 带来,送来 (brought, brought) [br?:t] garage [ɡ?rɑ:d?] n. 车库,汽车修理厂 crash [kr??] n. 碰撞 lamp-post [l?mp-p?ust]n. 灯杆 repair [ripe?] v. 修理 try [trai] v. 努力,设法 attendant n.服务员,侍者 e.g. 我们酒店有30位接待员。 Our hotel has thirty attendants. 与attendant意思相近的还有: waiter: 男侍者 waitress: 女侍者 attend v.参加,出席 attend school 上学;读;读书;念书 attend a meeting 参加会议 attend a wedding 参加婚礼 列车员 train attendant (bring-brought-brought) bring sth. to sb.=bring sb. sth.  她给我带来了一个好消息。 She brings a piece of good news to me. = take:带走 Take me home.带我回家。    take sth to some place 把……带去哪里 bring:给某人带来某物 fetch:带去并且做取过来,是双程的。 She brings me a piece of good news. bring take  bring sb./sth. to some place       把某人或某物带到哪里来 take sb./sth. to some place           把某人或某物带去哪里 他带了些朋友到家里来。 He brought some friends to his home. 她将带弟弟来参加我的生日聚会。 She will bring her little brother to my birthday party. 别把玩具带到学校去。 Dont take the toys to school. 她昨晚带儿子去了医院。 She took her son to hospital last night. garage:车库,汽车修理厂 在私家车库进行的家中旧货出售,车库售物 garage sale crash n.碰、撞 a car crash 汽车相撞 an air crash 飞机坠毁 A car crashed. A plane crashed. crash vi.碰、撞 If you see crashes, what will you do? Don’t be nervous. Never cry/run. Call the police. Send the people to the near hospital. Why are there crashes?Maybe:... Lets


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