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Let’s play a guessing game (animals) They like eating bamboos, the color of them are black and white. They are the symbols of Australia , and they usually put their babies in front of the pocket. Do you like having pets? 1.Lovely and beautiful 2.Go out for a walk with them 3.Help the people to look after their house 4.Make family enjoyable 5.Help people feel less lonely 1.Dirty 2.Waste time and money 3.Carry some disease When we talk about a dog , what words will you use? Lord [n]上帝,主,贵族 as drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉 Lord !天啊! landlord [n]店主 landlady [n]女店主 pub 小酒店 inn 客栈,小旅馆 bill [b?l] ①账单、纸币 pay the bill 付账 eg. It’s wrong to leave a hotel without paying your bills. Bill please ! ②招贴,广告牌 a movie bill 电影海报 NO bills !禁止张贴 买单 leave [li:v] leave –left –left ① 离开 leave Bejing for Shanghai . ② 把人或者物留下,丢下 eg. May I leave my shoes here ? ③ 听任,使处于..状态 leave sth + adj leave the door open ④ on leave 休假 beside [b?sa?d] prep 在…旁边 come and sit beside me . besides [b?sa?dz] adv 除了..之外还有 eg. Besides this photos, I have a number of others . be beside oneself beside the point except [?k‘sept] prep. 除…外 eg.I?like?everything?except?math.? 除了数学我每样都喜欢。 得意忘形 离题,跑题 While的用法 ①while 一般指一边 ……一边 eg. while he was taking bath ,he sang songs . ②while 所引导的从句与主句的主语若是相同,而且 从句为进行时的时候,从句的主语有的时候被省略。 eg. He took a bath while I was watching TV. He watched TV while he was eating . He watched TV while eating . give 及物动词,后接名词作宾语。常表示“给予”“交给” eg. Give me the book. give back 归还 give it back to me. give in 屈服 eg. The enemy have given in to our army. Don’t give in yourself to the difficulties. give in 上交,呈交 give in your homework. give away 捐赠,赠送 eg. He gave away all his money to the society. give up 放弃, 抛弃 eg. Never give up, you will finally succeed. Lucy’s father gives up smoking.


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