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2004年春晚经典相声如此指导_clip.flv New words and Expressions cook [k?k] 做饭菜 hand [h?nd] 手 dinner [?d?n?] 晚餐 wet[wet] 湿的 help [help] 帮忙 You,see 你看...... rice [ra?s] 大米 open [??p?n] 开办water[w?:t?] 水 restaurant [?r?st?r?nt] 餐馆 pan [p?n] 平底锅 Oh,yeah! 噢,是的 chop [t??p] 切开 must [m?st] 必须 onion [?nj?n] 洋葱 jug [d??ɡ] 罐子 spoon [spu:n] 勺子 dry [dra?] 干燥的 get [ɡet] 得到,拿来 food[fu:d] 食物 fork [f?:k] 叉子 sugar[??ɡ?] 食糖 drawer [dr?:] 抽屉 milk [m?lk] 牛奶 1. b) 1.What ‘s in the jar? 2. Who can chop two onions? 3.Whose hands are wet? 4. Who can cook, too? Finish P21-a c d a/an 修饰可数名词单数,an用于以元音音素开头的单词前 some/any 修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词 some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句 Practice: 5.put … in 把……放入……里 6.Pass sb sth=pass sth to sb. Eg:pass a knife to me. (give sb. sth = give sth to sb. 给某人某物) 7.Knife ------ knives (类似的还有housewife---- housewives) 8.What about= How about Eg: What about you?你怎么样? You see 对某事物进行解释时使用的固定短语。 Oh, yeah! 表示假装同意,即怀疑。 P21- a 1.c) 1. Must Robert put some water in a jug? 2.Is there a knife on the table? 3.Are there any plates in the drawer? 4.Are Robert’s hands dry? 1. d) 1.What is there in that jar? 2.How many knives are there on the table? 3.Who can’t get a spoon and chop an onion? 4.Whose hands are wet? P24-3,P25-选择填空 Lesson 36 scanner[?sk?n?] 扫描仪 bottle [b?tl] 瓶子 computer[k?m?pju:t?] orange juice 电脑 [??rind? d?u:s] 橙汁 packet[?p?k?t] 小包 fridge[fr?d?] 冰箱coffee[k?f?] 咖啡 sea[si:] 海 tea [ti:] 茶叶 Pronunciation: /m/ my Mum mother meet bedroom family handsome camera /n/ name neighbour night knife spoon onion student husband Thank you Is there…? / Yes / Pass … / get ….and … Is there a big spoon over there? Yes ,Dad. Pass me the big spoon ,please. I can’t get a spoon and chop an onion ,Dad! Right / plates


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