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Lesson 31 Where’s Sally?萨莉在哪里? New words and expressions 生词和短语 garden n. 花园 under prep. 在……之下 tree n. 树 climb v. 爬,攀登 who pron. 谁 run v. 跑 grass n. 草,草地 after prep. 在……之后 across prep. 横过,穿过 cat n. 猫 Lesson 32 type 打字 letter 信 basket 篮子 eat 吃 bone 骨头 clean 清洗 tooth 牙齿 teeth牙齿复数 cook 做 milk 牛奶 meal 饭 drink 喝 tap 水龙头 ★garden n.花园 garden(自家花园) park 公园(公共地方) 房子后面有一个花园。 There is a garden behind the house. garden → gardening (园艺) ★ under prep. 在……之下 在床底下有一双鞋子。 There is a pair of shoes under the bed. on 上方,接触 over 正上方 ,不接触 below 低于 above 表示斜上方 ★ tree n. 树 在树下 under the tree 爬树 climb the tree a family tree 家谱 clothes tree 挂衣架 树上有一只鸟。 There is a bird in the tree.(表示躲在树冠里,比如鸟停在树叉上,外面看上去是在树里的 ,不是树本身所有的) 树上有许多苹果 。 There are lots of apples on the tree. (是树本身所有的,比如树上结的果子,就用on ) ★ tree n. 树 (树叶)on the tree (人)in the tree ★ climb v. 爬,攀登 爬山 climb the hill 不要爬树。 Don’t climb the tree. 我喜欢爬山,你呢? I like climbing the mountain, what about you? ★ who pron.谁 谁在那? Who is there? 谁是你的老师? Who is your teacher? 谁来的电话? Who is that? ★ run v.跑 (跑步的人) runner running shoes 跑鞋 刘翔跑得很快。 Liu Xiang runs fast.(变成现在进行时) ★ run vt. 经营,管理(跑生意,跑买卖) run the business 经营生意。 He runs a school. 他经营着一所学校。 ★ grass n.草,草地 Keep off the grass 勿践踏草地 在草地上 on the grass ★ after prep.在……之后 After you. You first, please. 你先走。 run after.. 在……之后跑,追,追逐 一只狗正在追逐一只猫。 A dog is running after a cat. ★ across prep.横过,穿过 表面穿过 横游过河 swim across the river 横穿过街道 run across the street 和through的区别 through表示在物体内部穿过 穿过森林 walk through the forest 穿过教室 go through the classroom ★ cat n.猫(〈口〉小猫 kitty) It rains cats and dogs. = It rains heavily.倾盆大雨。 like a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁 ★ Text Where’s Sally, Jack? She’s in the garden, Jean. What’s she doing? She’s sitting under the tree. Is Tim in the garden, too? Yes, he is. He’s climbing the tree. I beg your pardon? Who’s climbing the tree? ? 将此句变成否定句。 ?针对he提问。 Tim isn’t in the ga


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