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year n. 年 race n. 比赛 (强调竞技性强、激烈的) town n. 城填 crowd n. 人群 stand v. 站立 exciting adj. 使人激动的 just adv. 正好,恰好 finish n. 结尾,结束 winner n. 获胜者 behind prep.在……之后 way n. 路途(抽象) ★race n. 比赛 (1)名词单数 + race …比赛(竞赛) horse race / car race / bicycle race (2)be + in the race 参加比赛(可用于人或物) (3)be + at the race 观看比赛(只用于人) ★crowd n. 人群 (1)集体名词“人群”,单数名词表示一堆(一类)人,动词用复数。 Eg:The crowd are noisy .人群很吵。 (2)量词 a crowd of + 人 一群人(只表示人) in the crowd:在人群中 Eg: You can see us in the crowd. crowd v.挤上去 crowd into 拥护,挤进…… get on the bus 上公共汽车 crowd into the bus 挤公共汽车 Eg: I get up at 7 oclock every morning. Then I crowd into the bus. crowded adj.拥挤的 stand? v. (1)站立,起立: Eg:We were standing on the right. 我们当时站在右边。 Eg:They stood because there were no seats. 没有座位,所以他们只好站着。 (2)(建筑物)直立,耸立;(植物)直立生长: Eg: The white house stands on a hill. 那幢白色的房子耸立在小山上。 Eg:Look at the corn standing in the fields! 瞧那长在地里的玉米! finish? n. (1)结束;最后阶段(或部分): (the finish of +n. ) the finish of the race /book 比赛的结尾 / 书的结尾 The finish of the race was very exciting. 比赛的最后一个阶段十分激动人心。 At eleven the dinner finally dragged to a finish. 宴会拖到11点才结束。 (2)完美,完善;(举止等)优雅: His dancing lacks finish. 他的舞跳得并不完美。 We hoped that four years of college would give him some finish. 我们希望4年的大学教育会使他有些教养。 ③ v. 完成 finish (v. )+ n./doing sth. (homework / breakfast / soup ) I finished reading that book last work. way n. 路途(抽象) way 想象中抽象的路 on one’s way home/ to school highway:高速路 By the way=BTW 顺便说一下 This way, please! 请这边走 in this way 用这种方法 road:路,城市与乡间的路,国道,指具体的路 3 ring road 三环路 street:街道 lane:胡同 path:路径,林间小路 route:路线 Exciting adj. (1) exciting形容事。an exciting race / film / book (2)excited形容人。 be excited at “为…事而激动”。 eg: My father was excited at the news. be excited at an /the exciting sth “为一件激动人心的事而激动” Further notes on the text ?1.hundreds of, 数以百计的。 ?这是用来表示不定数量的复数形式。类似的结构还有thousands of(数以千计的), millions of(数以万计的)。但必须注意:说 five


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