新概念英语第一册89-90课课件Miss ye.ppt

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新概念英语第一册89-90课课件Miss ye

* 3) We have stayed in Shanghai for a long time. We haven’t stayed in Shanghai for a long time. Have you stayed in Shanghai for a long time? Yes, we have. No, we haven’t. 4) He has just finished his homework. He hasn’t just finished his homework. Has he just finished his homework? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t for与since专项解析 现在完成时还可以描述发生在过去且一直延续到现在的动作,这种动作甚至有可能延续下去。在这种情况下,它一般与 for+时间段 since+时间点 连用。 for与since专项解析 How long has Ian lived in the house? 伊恩在这幢房子里住多久了? He’s lived here for twenty years. 他在这里住了20年了。 When has he been there? 他是从何时起就在那儿的? He has been there since 1976. 从1976年起。 注意:for+一段时间表示某个动作持续多长时间;since+某个时间点表示某个动作是何时开始的。 用 since或 for   1) We have learned five lessons ______ the beginning of this term.   2) Mrs Liao has been in hospital ______last week.   3) I have stayed at my aunt’s _____two weeks. since since for for since for since for for since for since 现在完成时的标志时间词 for + 时间段 since + 时间点 * They have already arrived at the airport. 2)They haven’t arrived at the airport yet. 3) He has just finished his homework. 4)She has lived in Beijing since 2000. 5)We have stayed in Shanghai for a long time * Mr. Li: Look, Ben. I just (get) a letter from Uncle Weiming . He already (invite) us to Beijing. Ben: Great! I never (be) to Beijing. I (not see) my cousins for a long time. Uncle Weiming (send) any photos of his family to us yet? Mr. Li: Yes. Here are photos. Look, Simon is much taller than before. I (not meet) him since I went to Beijing on business last time. Ben: Of course. We are all taller than before. It’s wonderful to meet them again. have got has invited have been haven’t seen Has sent haven’t met * Homework Copy the new words and make sentences. Repeat after the tape recorder and imitate L89.Then recite it. Finish the Ex book. ★retire ① v.



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