新概念英语第三册lesson 38.ppt

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新概念英语第三册lesson 38

calendar n.历法,日历 阴历 lunar calendar 阳历solar calendar 挂历 wall calendar 台历 desk calendar 电子日历 electric calendar historian n.历史学家 historic adj.有历史意义的 - This is a historic speech. historical adj.与历史研究有关系的 Historical research 历史研究 unique adj.无与伦比的,独一无二 -I am quite unique person. special adj. 注重性质特殊 Special gift 特别的礼物 especial adj.强调超过其它全部 - This is a matter of especial importance. -This is a especially important matter. particular adj.特定的 -Pineapples have particular flavor. steadily adv.不断地 -He always study steadily. Steady adj.稳固的 Steady on 小心!别急! Keep her steady 把定,航向不变,照直走(用在航海中) solely adv.唯一地 Sole adj.单独的,唯一的 -他唯一的谋生之道就是务农。 -Farming is his sole livelihood. video n.录像,视频 adj.视频的 Video camera 摄像机 Videotape 录像带 Videophone 可视电话 Video conference 视频会议 Audio adj. 音频的,声音的 CD-ROM n. (只读)光盘驱动器 (Compact Disc Read - Only Memory) CD n.激光唱片,光碟机(Compact Disc) bewilder v.令人眼花缭乱 -She was bewildered by so many beautiful dresses. bewilderment n. in bewilderment 茫然不知所措 puzzle (某问题因复杂、微妙而令人费解,既可用主动语态,也可用被动语态。) - I am puzzled by the problem. perplex 难以理解(包含焦虑不安,不知如何解决的意思),多用于被动语态。 - He is perplexed for the answer. deduce v(determine or decide sth by given fact) 推断,推理(有充分的证据和准则而得出结论) - I deduce the conclusion from the given facts. (deduce……from 从……推断) Deduction n.演绎 Deductive adj.推论的,演绎的 infer v.推断(不表示过程, 也不表示结论是否有充足的理由) -What can you infer from the text? scanty a.( too few,not enough) 不足的,贫乏的 -scanty knowledge一知半解 - a scanty crop歉收 -be scanty of sth奇缺 / be short of 短缺 -这乡村学校奇缺教材。 -The village school is scanty of text books. be want of 需要 in need of 需要 clue n.线索 Clue to sth. 某事的线索 -Can you tell me the clue to what happened? 提供线索 offer a clue A vital clue 重要的线索 News clue 新闻线索 Writing clue 写作线索 insignificant adj.不重要的 Significant 重要的 Important 重要的(unimportant) shed v.使流出,泻;发散,脱落 流血 shed blood bloodshed 杀戮 流泪 shed tears Watershed 分水岭,转折点 Shed light on 启发... 启迪 -My teacher shed light on this problem. advent ( coming or arrival) 出现,到来,来临 (经常


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