新概念英语第二册 第五课.ppt

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新概念英语第二册 第五课

Retell the story using the key words: Mr. James Scott→ garage→ Silbury and now→ just bought→ Pinhurst 2. Pinhurst →five miles→ Silbury→ can’t →telephone→ garage →bought →pigeons 3. Yesterday→ pigeon→ message→ Pinhurst 4. covered →distance→ minutes 5. up to now →sent requests→ spare parts →messages→ garage→ the other 6. this way→ begun→ private service Summary writing Mr. Scott has opened his second garage in Pinhurst. His first garage is in Sibury. Silbury is five miles away. Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage. He has bought twelve pigeons. They carry messages from one garage to the other in three minutes. C. Language points; sentence patterns; and grammar 单词拓展与巩固 (key words and expressions) 1. ☆安装电话___________________ 2. ☆message n. 信息(可数名词) information 信息(不可数名词) 给……留便条________________________ Ill leave you a message. 替……捎口信___________________; 此句在电话里非常常用,如果你要找的人不在,对方会说: Can I take a message for you? 或者你可以说:Can you take a message for me? get a telephone leave sb a message take a message for sb 3. ☆(+可数名词复数) 许多____________________________ 4. The bird covered the distance in three minutes. ☆cover v.越过; cover +距离:越过; 完成一段行程 They _______________________ yesterday morning. 从昨天上午到现在他们已经走完了60英里的路 a great many=a great number of have covered 60 miles since ☆distance n. 距离 adj: distant; 短语:in the distance : 在远处 以-ce结尾的名词,形容词一般以-t结尾 如:如:importance--_______________ ; difference—________________ ☆距离的表示方法 Pinhurst is _______________________ Silbury. 平赫特离锡尔伯里只有5英里 The bank is ___________________________ . 到银行大约不行5分钟的路程、 ☆对距离提问:________________ 汽车站有多远? ____________________________ ☆keep a/ one’s distance from : ______________________ ☆within walking distance ____________________ important different only five miles from about 5 minutes’ walk away How far...? How far is the bus stop? 与……保持距离 步行就能到; 几步之遥 ☆中国人往往喜欢和人靠的很近,而英国人喜欢保持一定距离,他们认为自己周围的一切,包括空气都是自己的。所以在餐厅吃饭,想和英国人坐一桌,应该先问:Can I join you? 或Can I share this table? 而


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