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Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats and on another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park. once ......on another occasion 一次.........还有一次 eg. Once I met him on the street and on another occasion I met him in the library. Captain Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a businessman. refuse a request from sb. = refuse sbs request 拒绝某人的要求 Review: 四大洋 the Atlantic Ocean [?t‘l?ntik] 大西洋 the Pacific Ocean [p?‘sifik] 太平洋 the Arctic Ocean [‘ɑ:ktik] 北冰洋 the Indian Ocean 印度洋 Captain Fawcett – unusual – new service ‘taxi’ – Swiss – ‘Pilatus Porter’ wonderful – seven passengers most surprising – land anywhere first – doctor – Birmingham – mountains Since then – flown – unusual places Once – flats – another – car park refused – strange – businessman wanted – Rockall – Atlantic – didn’t take – dangerous Special difficulties refuse/deny refuse拒绝(一个请求或给予的某种东西) Captain Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a businessman. deny否认(一种指控) He denied that he had stolen the money. 他否认曾偷过钱。 bring/take/fetch bring带来(由某处带来某物) He brought the book with him when he came to see me. take拿走(从某处或某人处带走) He took the book with him when he left. fetch取来(去某地,去某物并带回) I asked him to go to my room and fetch my glasses. very/too very很,非常 I arrived very late but I caught the rain.我到得非常迟,但赶上了火车 too太,过于I arrived too late and I missed the train. 我到得太迟,误了火车 Grammar focus 现在完成时 一般过去时 中时间状语的比较 现在完成时的时间状语多表示到现在为止的这段时间:since+某一时间,for+一段时间,up till now, just, before等。 一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作,时间状语多为last year (month), ago (3 years ago), in + 某一年,just now等。 I saw him in 1994. I haven’t seen him since 1994. I saw him 3 years ago. I haven’t seen him for 3 years. He stayed at this hotel last month. Have you ever stayed at this hotel? I went abroad last year. Up till now, I have never been abroad before. 3. 用already, yet, just, ever, never这类副词作状语时,常可用于现在完成时。如: I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. Have you ever been to London


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