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How is this woman? fat overweighted What makes people fat? eat too much fast food Be too lazy. Don’t do exercises. What kind of disease will fatness cause? heart disease hypertension diabetes Because so much danger fatness will cause, fat people must … lose weight How can we lose weight? do more exercises go on a diet take some pills Doing more exercises is the most healthy one, but it’s difficult for lazy people. Taking pills is the most convenient one, but it’s not healthy and always useless. Going on a diet is the one most people can use to lose weight. It’s hard for people like eating to insist on. Which one will you choose if you have to lose weight? The story today is about a man going on a diet. L51 Reward for Virtue What did Hugh decide to do recently? What was the writer not surprised to see? He decided to go on a diet He was not surprised to see that Hugh was as fat as ever. Listen to the flash and answer. What are the contents of the parcel? They are 5 large bars of chocolate and 3 bags of sweets. What were the forbidden food on the list? How did Hugh feel when I discovered his ‘secret’? They were butter, potatoes, rice, beer, milk, chocolate and sweets. He felt embarrassed and guilty. Watch the flash and answer. Reward for virtue My friend, Hugh, has always been fat, but things go so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. reward for… 作为对…的奖赏 things= situation decide to do sth. go on a diet be on a diet 节食 节食中 He began his diet a week ago. First of all, he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden. begin-began-begun first of all at first/firstly secondly thirdly write out 正式的 “写” 文中强调一一列出 food 作食物总称时不可数 作食物种类时可数 forbid-forbad-forbidden The list included most of the things Hugh loves, butter, potatoes, rice, beer, milk, chocolate and sweets. include 包含, 抽象的事物 contain 包含, 具体事物 Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever. pay-paid-paid pay


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