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Paris-Perpignan 4、 There he was picked up by a policeman and sent back to England by the local authorities. 他在那儿被一个警察抓住了,之后被当局送回了英国。 pick up 把某物(从一个地方)拾起来 (在某处)去接某人 (被警察或某个政府机构)所拘捕以便进行询问 The telephone rang and Judy picked it up. My friend will pick me up. He was picked up by government agents for questioning. 5、 He was surely set up a record for the thousands of children who dream of evading school. thousands of 成千上万的 同类构成法 tens of 成十上百的 hundreds of 成百上千的 millions of 数百万的 billions of 数亿的 dream of 梦想;向往 Certificate?of?honor 恭喜李雷同学荣获“逃学威龙”称号,特发此证,以资鼓励。 What will you do if one day you play truant from school? Think and say 一、宾语从句的概念: 宾语从句即句子作宾语,而不再是一个词或短语作宾语。 I like my teacher. (名词作宾语) I enjoy playing basketball. (动名词作宾语) I decide to study hard. (不定式作宾语) I know him. (代词作宾语) I know Mr Li teaches English. (句子作宾语) She asked if the answer was right. (句子作宾语) 【Key structure and usage】 二、宾语从句三要素: 连 接 词 语 序 时 态 【Key structure and usage】 1.that引导 2.whether/if引导 3.连接代词 who whom whose what which 4. 连接副词when why where how 连 接 词 注:that 在句中无词汇意义,在从句中不能充当成分, 在口语当中往往省略 e.g. I hear (that) ______________________. (一小时后他会回来) He said (that) ____________________. (他非常想念我们) The teacher told us (that) _______________________ ________.(地球围着太阳转) he will be back in an hour he missed us very much the earth moves around the 注意:当从句是客观真理的时候,无论主句什么时态,从句一律用一般现在时 由从属连词that引导的宾语从句 sun 由从属连词whether, if 引导的宾语从句 e.g. I want to know _______________________________ __________.(他是否跟我们一起去公园) 2. Ask him _____________________. (他是否能来) 3. I don’t know ____________________________.(是否要下雨) if (whether) he will go to the park whether (if) he can come whether it is going to rain or not 当句末为or not时,引导词只能用whether而不能用if. with us If 与whether 的区别 I don’t know _____ he will come or not. I don’t care of ______ he is handsome. He wondered ______ to stay here the next week. ____ he will come is not decided. 与or not 连用只能用whether 介词后只能用whether 与to do 不定式连用只能用whether 作主语只能用whet


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