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4.Is Sandy quite tall? Yes,she is. 5.Is Sandy one metre eight- nine? No,she isn’t.She’s one metre eight-two. 6.Is that about five foot seven? No,that isn’t.It’s about five foot eleven. 7.Will Daisy call Cleo later today? No,she won’t.She will call her tomorrow. c) Example:What does Daisy want Cleo to send her? Her New Faces file. 1.How far is Daisy’s house from Cleo’s office? It’s about 45 miles. 2.When will she have the pictures? By two o’clock. 3.How old are all the girls? They’re quite young. 4.How tall is Sandy? She’s one metre eighty-two. 5.When will Cleo send the file? She will send it now. 6.When will Daisy call Cleo? Tomorrow. Ask questions about the text. Example : Cleo/send/message? (What…?) A: Will Cleo send a message? B: Yes , she will . A: Who will Cleo send? B: A messenger. Ask each other these QS 1. How far is it from here to your house/apartment? 2. How do you get there ? Do you walk here or come by bus or car? 3. How far is it from here/this town or city, to Paris or London ? 4. How tall are you( in metres and centimetres)? Lesson 46 比比看,谁的记忆好! stri__ing k s__nd e f__le i m__ss__nger e e hei__ht g bui__ding l mo__ntain u w__dth i le__gth n 词汇积累 1)——照片上这个漂亮的女孩是你 的女儿吗?她有多高? ——Is that________girl in the Photo your daughter?How tall is she? ——大约5英尺3英寸。 ——About five______and three. striking foot 词汇积累 2)——让我看一下新来的文件。 ——Let me read the new______, please. ——好的,一小时后信使会送到。 ——OK,the___________will_____ it one hour_______. file messenger send later 词汇积累 3)——你能告诉我冰箱的高度吗? ——Can you tell me the_______of the fridge? ——好的,大概是180厘米。 ——Yes,it is about one hundred and eighty____________. height centimetres 词汇积累 4)——你现在在哪里工作? ——Where do you work now? ——就在那边那栋高的建筑里。 ——In the tall_________over there. bu


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