新概念英语青少版2A Unit5.ppt

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新概念英语青少版2A Unit5

Lets review! Do you know ants? What do you think of them? T or F Ants usually live in wet places. Ants may breathe under water. Ants always stretch their legs in the morning. Ants usually yawn in the evening. New Words and Expressions Describe the pictures Answer questions about the text. The webpage is about ants, isn’t it? Ants aren’t boring, are they? They’re really interesting, aren’t they? They usually live in dry places, don’t they? They can survive under water for two weeks, can’t they? Ants don’t stretch their arms in the morning, do they? They stretch their legs, don’t they? Ants usually yawn in the morning, too, don’t they? Do they do really boring things? Do they usually live in wet places? Can they survive under water for two months? Do ants always stretch their legs in the evening? Do they usually laugh in the morning, too? Where do ants usually live? How long can they survive under water? Do ants breathe under water? When do ants always stretch their legs? What do they also do in the morning? Listen and follow! Describe the pictures! Pattern Practice 1 A: Whats the time? What time is it? B: Its eight oclock (in the morning). 3 A: What time / When do they go to school? B: They usually go to school at eight (oclock) in the morning. 4 A: They dont go to school in the morning. B: Yes, they do! They go to school at eight oclock. 5 A: They go to school in the evening. B: No, they dont! They go to school in the morning. Exercises Answer On Saturdays. Bread. No, she doesn’t. No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t often drive to Perth because it takes a lot of time, and it’s expensive. She gets fish from the boats, and she can buy a lot of things from the village shop. It’s sometimes a bit difficult in winter. Match the Questions and Answers. When does she usually come home? What are you waiting for? What’s Karen doing? What are the children doing in the garden? What time is it? [?] ant


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