新概念青少年版3A- unit 12.ppt

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新概念青少年版3A- unit 12

Paul becomes an intern 保罗成为一名实习生 Intern 词典中实习生的意思是(1)受训学员,一个受训练准备参加一个工作的人;(2)某一专业的高年级或刚毕业的大学生,在有经验的工作人员的指导下学习实际工作经验;(3)没有毕业来公司实习的学生。 New Words and Expressions: intern n. 实习生 join v. 参加 apply v. 申请 market leader n. 行业佼佼者 exceptional adj. 杰出的 applicant n. 申请人 make somebody an offer/make an offer to somebody 给某人提供某物 New Words and Expressions: ranch n. 大牧场 expense n. 费用, 开支 either way (两种方式中的)任一种方式 resume n. 个人简历 regret v. 后悔, 遗憾 passport n. 护照 Listening and understanding Paul is applying for an internship in a famous health resort. Ed is interviewing him. Listen to the recording,and then answer this question: Does paul chang his plans? Ed:Paul,you want to join our intern programe from next January.Is that right? Paul:Yes,that’s right. Ed:What are your plans between now and then? Paul:I’m going to travel out west, to Utah and Arizona. Join表示“加入,成为……的一员” out west 地点状语,与表示移动等的动词连用(如: travel /stay out west) Ed:Will you apply for other intern programes when you’re out there? Paul:That’s my plan. Ed:I see.We are the market leader, of course. Paul: I know that. Ed:And you’re an exceptional applicant. Apply for…意为“申请… …” I see/I know that —see和know为状态动词,表示感知、理解、相信等 Ed:I’m going to make you an offer, Paul,and you’re going to tell me yes or no. You can join our intern program from Monday next week,for twelve weeks. 当句中的时间状语超过一个时,一般要把表示时间点的状语置于表示时间段的状语前。 Ed:If you join,you’ll live on the Ranch,and you’ll have no expenses. When we ask you to work, you’ll work. you’ll learn a lot. Ed:Maybe you’ll come back in January,maybe you won’t. Either way, when you finish here,you’ll have Redstone Ranch on your resume. either 表示“(二者中)任一的”,后面要加可数名词的单数形式。 Ed:What do you say? Paul:Yes.Thank you very much. Ed:You won’t regret it! Imagine you are an intern,and you are talking to an interviewer in the company, What questions can you ask him or her? 假设你是一名实习生,你正在公司里和一位面试官谈话,你会问他或她什么问题? Review the text 选词填空P57 总结P56(7个问题) Pa


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