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Welcome Do you know him? What does he do? He’s a begger. What is he doing? He is standing on his head(倒立) and singing. Have you ever seen a beggar singing while he is standing on his head??? Lesson 6 Percy Buttons New words ①beggar n. ②knock v. ③return n. ④meal n. ⑤food n. ⑥cheese n. ⑦pocket n. ⑧neighbour n. ⑨call v. [beɡ?] [n?k] [rit?:n] [mi:l] [fu:d] [t?i:z] [p?kit] [neib?] [k?:l] 乞丐;穷人 敲;打 返回;归还 一餐,一顿饭 食物 奶酪;干酪 衣服口袋 邻居 拜访,光顾 Ⅰ.重点词汇强化记忆 beggar 乞丐 ask sb. for sth. 向某人索要某物 看图片,说出你所想到的单词及词组。 Beggars can’t be choosers. 饥不择食 A begging letter 求援信 knock 敲 knock at /on 敲门 call at 拜访 将遗失钱包归还失主 return 归还 in return for 作为报答 retuen tickets 往返票 meal一顿饭 food食物 1)[u]食物,通常为不可数名词 没有食物和水我们活不了。 We can’t live without food and water. 2)[c] 食品 婴儿食品 Baby foods 健康食品 Health foods pocket口袋 put … in…把……放入 pocket dictionary 袖珍字典 袖珍小刀 pocket-knife pocket money 零花钱,一般指 孩子的零花钱 Ⅰ.Watch a movie and try to answer these questions. 1.Has the writer just moved to Bridge Street? 2.Who knocked at her door yesterday? 3.What did he do for a meal and a glass of beer? 4.What did the writer give him? Yes, she has. A beggar. He stood on his head and sang songs. She gave him a meal. II. Read the text loudly and try to decide if these sentences are True or False .读课文,判断正误。 1.The beggar asked the writer for a meal and a glass of beer. ( ) 2.He put a piece of cheese in his bag and went away. ( ) 3.The beggar calls at every house in the street once a week. ( ) 4.He always asks for a meal and a glass of beer. ( ) T F pocket F month T I have j


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