新概念青少版2B Unit30 Lesson60.ppt

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新概念青少版2B Unit30 Lesson60

Twenty-five years ago. Five years old. No,they don’t. No,they didn’t. Yes,they do.Thin children don’t watch TV at weekends,and fat children do. * 在展出 明信片 其余的 巨型鱿鱼 科学家 令人惊异的 重量是 吸盘 natio′nality ′chemistry fan′tastic compe′tition ? 通过电视 ? 步行 ? 在假期 ? 出差 ? 按时 ? 去…的路上 ? 在展出 ? 值日 ? 在右/左边 ? 通过收音机 ? 周末 ? 特价 weigh v. 重量有… weight n.重量 How heavy are you? =What’s your weight? =How much do you weigh? 你有多重? A: How much do those postcards cost? B:They cost 80p each. Pattern practice 1 A: How much do those postcards cost? B:They’re 80s each. They’re very/quite cheap. Pattern practice 2 A:What’s the price of those postcards? B:They’re 80p(each). A:How much(each)? B:80p.They’re very/ quite cheap. Pattern practice 3 with pictures R,S and T only A:How much did you pay for those postcards? B:I paid 80p each for them./ They cost 80p each. Pattern practice 4 with pictures R,S and T only Listening Answer: *


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