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Jack: Hmm. Give it to me , Daisy. Yes, it is Paul’s, isn’t it ? 给某人某物 give sth. to sb. give sb. sth. 反义疑问句 Jack: Hmm. it me , Daisy. Yes, it is , it ? Give to Paul’s isn’t Daisy: Yes, Jack. Put it back. Jack: But why on earth is it in my pocket ? 究竟,到底 put back放回去 Daisy: Yes, Jack. it . Jack: But is it in my ? Put back why on earth pocket Listen 1. 单词4:1抄写写,要求记忆。 2. 熟读课文,要求流利朗读。 Class is over. Thank you for your listening. Unit 3 Is this yours? Lesson 5 I have a computer. This is ___ computer. = This computer is _____ . = This computer belongs to ____. my mine me belong后面总是跟 to+名词或代词(代词是宾格) Angel has a computer. This is _____ computer. = This computer is _____ . = This computer belongs to ____. Angel Angel ’s Angel ’s I me my mine personal pronoun possessive pronoun Please give some sentences. She has a computer. This is ___ computer. = This computer is _____ . = This computer belongs to ____. her He has a computer. This is ___ computer. = This computer is _____ . = This computer belongs to ____. her hers him his his We have a computer. This is ___ computer. = This computer is _____ . = This computer belongs to ____. us our ours you your yours You have a computer. This is ___ computer. = This computer is _____ . = This computer belongs to ____. 数     单数     复数       格  主格 宾格  主格 宾格     第一人称  I   me   we  us    第二人称 you you  you  you         he  him  they them   第三人称 she  her  they them          it  it   they them      I have these books.   = These books belong to me.  personal pron.---人称代词有人称、数和格的变化: 数 单数                     人称  第一人称 第二人称  第三人称               形容词性物主代词 my your his / her / its                      名词性物主代词  mine yours his / hers / its   形容词性物主代词 our your their                        名词性物主代词  ours y


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