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Unit 8 A bump in the night! Isabella Revision 一个小的红色的球 Revision- 翻译句子 那个在箱子里面的是什么? 是一个小球。 哪一个杯子在地上?脏的那个还是干净的? 是脏的那个。 厚的那本书在哪里? 在椅子下面。 那薄的那本在哪里? 在床底下。 P55 看图造句。 第一课时 VOC 课文1-3 bump [b?mp] 碰撞 noise [n??z] 噪声 Look at those pictures! bump 碰撞 night 夜 wake up 醒来 listen 听 noise 噪声 living room 起居室 burglar 盗窃者 nonsense 废话 kitchen 厨房 torch 手电筒 Read the text 阅读课文 Picture 1 Karen:William! Wake up! William:Mm.Whats the matter? Karen:Listen!Theres a noise in the living-room. Its burglar! William: A burglar? Nonsense! William: Youre right! Theres a noise in the kitchen now! It is a burglar! Karen: Shh! Karen: Theres a torch here. William:Give me the torch, please. 第二课时 VOC G/p there be bump 碰撞 night 夜 wake up 醒来 listen 听 noise 噪声 living room 起居室 burglar 盗窃者 nonsense 废话 kitchen 厨房 torch 手电筒 句型: There is a ball on the floor. There is...+地点: 表示某处有。。。。。 There is a____in/on/under/over the ____. there be 句型 某处有 a man/ at the door There is ____ _______ ____ ______ _________. a snail /in the box There is ____ ______ ____ _____ _____. a snail /on the box There is ____ ______ ____ _____ _____. a snail /under the box There is ____ ______ ___ _____ _____. a ball /on the box There is ____ ______ ___ _____ _____. a ball /in the box There is ____ ______ ___ _____ _____. 第三课时 I. VOC II. 课文4、5、6 Look at those pictures! 小心 be careful Here it is! 给你 楼下 downstairs wide-awake 完全清醒的 su 我们 we 给你 :here it is 有人:someone 楼下:downstairs 完全清醒的:wide-awake 我们:we 所有:all 卧室:bedroom 花园:garden Picture 4 Karen: Here it is. Oh, William! Please be careful! William: Shh! There is someone downstairs. Picture 5 William: Whos there? Who is it? Lucy: Its me, Dad! Im wide- awake, and Im hungry. Picture 6 William: Were all wide-awake now! Karen: Oh, well! No harm done! 第四课时 I. VOC II. 课文(review) III. 句型 给你 :here it is 有人:someone 楼下:downstairs 完全清醒的:wide-awake 我们:we 所有:all 卧室:bedroom 花园:gar


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