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Comments on Don Juan The poem gives a satirical description of English ruling classes and social conditions The hero shows his disgust at the vanity and hypocrisy(虚伪)of English high society. Movie Version The features of Byron’s works attacks at on “cant politics, religion and morals”. descriptions :simple and fresh, often bring vivid objects before the reader. was regarded in England as the perverted man, the satanic poet; while on the continent, he was hailed as “the champion of liberty”,“ poet of the people”. He enriched European poetry with and abundance of ideas, images, artistic forms and innovations. Thanks For Attention!! George Gordon Byron (1788-1824) 乔治·戈登·拜伦 Byron was born into an aristocratic family of doubtful reputation. His father died of drink and debauchery(堕落) when Byron was 3, and when he was 10 his great-uncle --- the ‘wicked’ Lord Byron --- also died. Byron inherited the title, a vast house called Newstead Abbey, and estates already mortgaged or in decay. 拜伦出生于一个名声有些问题的贵族家庭。他三岁时,父亲死于饮酒过度和生活腐化。他十岁时,他的叔祖——即“邪恶的”拜伦勋爵也去世了。拜伦继承了爵位,继承了称为“纽斯台德寺院”的大宅邸和已经抵押出去的或已趋于衰败的产业。 His father was English, but his mother was of the Scottish origin. She was poor but noble, her name was Catherine Gordon(凯瑟琳·戈登). Byron’s mother Byron’s father He was born with a malformed foot --- a disability which tortured him with self-consciousness in his youth.While an undergraduate he published his first book of poems. Hours of Idleness. The adverse criticism it deservedly got stung Byron not to despair but to revenge, and he replied with a satire in the manner of Pope called English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. 拜伦生下时,一只脚就带有残疾——这使他在年轻时候极为敏感,由此给他带来莫大的痛苦。他在大学读书时,就出版了第一本诗集《闲散的时光》。这本诗集受到的应有的非难刺痛了拜伦的心,他没有绝望,而是想报复,他以蒲柏的风格写了一篇名为《英格兰诗人和苏格兰评论家》的讽刺诗作为回答。 When he was 23 his mother died, and he came home, an extremely handsome young man, to install himself boisterously at Newstead Abbey. 当他二十三岁时,他的母亲去世了。他成为一个非常漂亮的青年,回到了家里,兴高采烈地在纽斯台德寺院安顿了下来。
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