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2009年10月自考新闻采访学(国外英语资料) One radio 1, in our country, the systematic study of news gathering as a knowledge begins A1918 B1919, C1921, D1923 years 2 Red China News Agency was founded in A1931 B1934, C1935, D1936 years 3, the most important thing is to do a good job in reflecting the situation A should reflect the situation in a timely manner, in a timely manner B journalists should have strong party spirit, dare to uphold the truth, and adhere to the principles C should faithfully reflect the situation D uses a developmental perspective to reflect changes in objects 4, in selecting and training journalists, the first should be A business standards, B political standards, C ethical standards, D theory standards The following 5 reporters who has served as ambassador to the UK correspondent is Ta Kung Pao A Qu Qiubai, B, Yang Gang, C, Yu Songhua, D, Li Zongwu 6, the first person who regards conduct as the first element of a journalists qualification is A, Qu Qiubai, B, Xu, C, D, Zou Taofen 7, the dissemination of information first A understands information, B grasps information, C develops information, and D chooses information 8, the salient features of critical reporting are A openness, B, disclosure, C, diffusion, D, seriousness 9, the core of journalistic ethics is A adhere to the correct direction of public opinion, B wholeheartedly serve the people, C carry forward the spirit of solidarity and cooperation, D maintain the authenticity of the news 10, compared to the American press as fast food interviews A telephone interview, B visual interview, C written interview, D experience interview 11, the earliest methods and concepts of accurate news reporting were A B C D Pulitzer Shao Piaoping Xu Baohuang Philip Meyer 12 communication northwest corner of China belongs to A features communications, B travel, communications, C, character messaging, D, event messaging 13, in the interview, the dominant position is A reporter B conversation atmosphere C conversation conten


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