新课标M7U4Learning about language.ppt

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新课标M7U4Learning about language

* * Discovering useful words and expressions 1. ________ to change slightly to make something work better 2. ________ a mental shelf for cooking meat, toasting bread, etc 3. ________ connected with what is being done or discussed 4. ________ an idea adjust grill relevant concept Find words in the unit for the following meanings. 5. ____________ an honour 6. ____________ something that has been organized 7. __________ written work in an office, such as writing reports or letters 8. ________ to breathe air into your nose noisily paperwork sniff privilege arrangement Complete the paragraph with the words or phrases below in their proper forms. otherwise airmail be dying to adjust muddy hear from fortnight platform remote Sharon looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. She had posted the ________ letter to Tim last week but had had no reply. She smoothed her hair down with a wet comb, wiped her _______ shoes, and thought about the three months she had known him. He was the nicest boy she had ever met, __________ she would not have airmail muddy otherwise fallen in love with him. She still remembered that he _________ quickly when he heard she came from a _______ village. At first she had __________ him every week but now she had not heard for a ________. Why? She had decided to find out. adjusted remote heard from fortnight She walked down the _________ to catch the train to New York feeling both excited and nervous. She ___________ see him again but what if he didn’t want to see her? platform was dying to 1. hear from 收到来信 2. be dying to 渴望; 极想 3. come across (偶然) 碰见、发现 4. dry out 完全变干; 干透; (使)变干 5. dry up 干枯; (供应, 思路)枯竭 6. in need 在困难中; 在危机中 7. stick out 伸出 8. up to 多达 9. make a difference 有影响; 有作用 10. care for 关心; 照顾; 喜欢; 想要 “渴望”的类似说法 1. have a strong desire for sth. 2. be eager to do sth. 3. be thirsty for sth. 4. desire to do sth. 5. long to do sth. / for sth. 1. be dying for / to


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