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旅 游 饭 店 职 业 英 语 初 级 Unit Three Housekeeping 客 房 服 务 Lesson 6,7,8, 9 Lesson 6 May I Clean Your Room Now? 现在可以为您打扫房间吗? Key Words: Clean .打扫 housekeeping department n.客房部 go ahead(用于祈使)开始;进行;往下说(做) come back 返回来 hour 小时 later 以后 Talking to the Guest 情 景 会 话 ONE Clerk: C Guest: G C: Housekeeping. May I clean your room now, Sir? 职员:客房服务员。先生,现在能给您打扫房间吗? G: Go ahead, please. 客人:可以,打扫吧。 TWO Notes: May I clean your room now,sir?先生,现在能给您打扫房间吗? 饭店员工在和客人讲话时要使用敬语,以表示对客人的尊重。所以,客房服务员在打扫客房时如果客人在房间,也要得到客人的允许。询问客人是否同意时,服务员一般使用: May I…或者Could I …,例如:May I make up your room in half an hour?我半个小时之后再给您整理房间好吗? Notes Could you come back in an hour?你能一小时后再来吗? 如果在规定打扫的时间客人不方便,服务员应问清楚多长时间后再过来打扫房间。这时候可以使用:What time…/When… 例如:When do you want me to clean your room?您希望我什么时候过来打扫房间? We May Also Use These Sentences in Our Work What time would you like us to clean your room? 您希望我们什么时候为您打扫房间呢? What time? 什么时候您比较方便呢? May I tidy up these things on your bed? 我可以给您收拾床上的东西吗? Do You Know This? The maid must ring the bell three times before entering the guest’s room. 客房服务员在进入客人房间之前至少要按三次门铃。 Your Turn to Try Now Listen to the words and repeat: Listen to the sentences, repeat and translate: May I clean your room now,Sir? May I make up your room now,Sir? When would you like us to clean your room? Shall I come back later? I’ll come back in an hour. Listen and complete the dialogues: 1 Clerk:Good morning,Madam. Guest:Good morning. Clerk: ? Guest:OK. 2 Clerk:Good afternoon,Sir. Guest:Good afternoon. Clerk: ? Guest:Sorry,but I have a guest here now. Clerk: ? Guest:Can you come back in an hour and a half? Clerk: . Lesson7 We’ll Send Someone to Repair It Right Now 我们马上就派人去修 Key Words: something 某事 wrong 错误的 toilet 马桶 someone 某人 repair 修理 fauc


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