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As we know, until now, RHIC has accumulated huge amount of data. Among these data, I think the first key observation is ‘jet quenching’, i.e. in central Au-Au collisions, the yield of high pt particle per binary collision is suppressed compared to that of pp collisions at the same energy. This results indicate very high gluon density at the early stage. The second one is the large elliptic flow value in semi-central Au-Au collisions. As we also see in the plot, hadronic transport models can not reproduce the data, which means partonic phase is essential to generate such high pressure at early stage. The third one is the number of constituent quark scaling of elliptic flow at intermediate pt region. According to the coalescence model, the scaled v2 will be the v2 of partons at hadronization. This phenomenon is another indication of deconfinement at RHIC. The fourth one is the large radial flow. This figure shows the results of the blast wave model fitting to pi,k,p spectra for differenct centralities. As we can see, with the increase of centrality, the collective velocity becomes larger and larger, for the most central collisions, it even reaches .6 speed of light. All these data shown here strongly indicate that a fast expanding partonic matter has been created at RHIC. The question now is whether thermalization is reached. * 最深层次的物质状态-夸克物质 庄鹏飞(zhuangpf@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn) ● 物质的第五态 ● QCD超导与超流 ● 相对论重离子碰撞     中国科学技术大学,2012,06,08 * 物质科学包含物质的结构和状态 最深层次的结构:夸克 问题: 看不见的夸克,质量起源,真空结构 真空不知道,动动真空怎么样? 最深层次的状态:? 熟悉的物质三态: 固态,液态,气态 第四态:原子弹爆炸后产生大块的电磁等离子体 猜测: 是否存在由夸克和胶子组成的色等离子体(QGP)? David J. Gross H. David Politzer Frank Wilczek 2004 诺贝尔物理奖 * 李政道: In order to study the question of ‘vacuum’, we must turn to a different direction: we should investigate


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