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复习目标: 1.掌握Unit11的重点词组和句型 2.掌握问路与指路的交际用语 3.掌握含有宾语从句的间接问句 打电话 得到有关某事的情况 存钱 乘扶梯上二楼。 路过 走出前门 换钱 在第二楼 决定做某事 更喜欢在外面 总有某些事情发生 免费音乐会 观看人也很有趣的。 有点小 向左 /右 某人做某事的好地方 休假 打扮成小丑 上舞蹈课 徜徉在博物馆里快乐度过几小时 发现邮票很迷人 在城镇 在乡下 把东西放在安全地方 把那笔借给我 如何有礼貌地询问信息 听起来粗鲁/不文明 用正确的语言很重要 需要学如何才是礼貌 改变说话的方式 决定于和谁说话 在某些情况下 一个直接的命令 好像,例如 花费时间引出一个问题 ----我想知道是否--- 对不起麻烦你 为了不得罪人 I. 单项选择 1---______, could you tell me where the nearest post office is? --- Sure. Go straight along here and it is on the corner. You can’t miss it. A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Please D. Hello 2. It is really relaxing to ______ outside after dinner with the family. A. hang out B. be hanged out C. hung out D. hang 3. ---Could you please tell me ______? ---Take the escalator to the second foor. A. where is the drugstore B. where can I find the drugstore C. where there is a drugstore D. how get to the drugstore 4. He asked me ______ there is a mall near here and I said yes. A. if B. that C. where D. when 5. My mom is a wonderful _____.The food she cooks tastes ______. A. cook, good B. cooker, delicious C. cook, well D. chef, nicely 6. I treated my friends at Shipu Grand Restaurant, ______the food was both cheap and delicious. A. which B. that C. where D. when 7. --- The car ran ______ me quickly. --- Woe! How dangerous! A. through B. past C. over D. across 8. ---The Fine Art Museum is really interesting. ---Yes, _______it’s beautiful too. A. but B. and C. so D. or 9. She’s decided that she ______ married to the man who is twelve years older than her. A. would get B. will get C. got D. had got 10. ---Could you _____ me your dictionary? ---Sorry. I have left mine at home. But you may ______ one from Tom. A.borrow, lend B. lend, borrow C. borrow, borrow D. lend, lend 11. ---I w


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