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突破语法 第一章、非谓语动词 不定式当主语(不定式可以作名词用,在句中担任主语) 1.A: To become President of the United States used to be my goal. B: I think every American kid has dreamed about that. A: To be a leader in your own city is a lot more realistic. B: True, but it’s also less glamorous. 2. It isn’t right to gossip about others. 3. It is not an easy thing to master a language. 4. How would it be to start tomorrow? 5. It cost me a lot of money to have the car repaired. 6. It made us very angry to hear him talk like that. 7. It was beyond me to help them. 二.不定式当表语(不定式在句中作表语,起名词的作用) 1. A:My wish is to be a doctor. What about yours? B: My wish is to be a billionaire! 三.be + 不定式(在主语为人时,可表示义务、计划或可能、希望等将要发生的事) 1. A: Where are we to meet? B: We are all supposed to meet at the gate at 7:00. 四.不定式动宾语(不定式可以在句中充当动词的宾语) 1 A:He offered to help me, but I refused. B: You are so independent. I admire you! 2.A: I want to find a new job. B: Why? Don’t you like the job you have now? It’s hard to find a new job these days. 3. We found it impossible to get everything finished in time. 4. She thought it unnecessary to argue with him at the meeting. 5. Don’t you think it better to translate this way? 6. All these worries made it impossible for her to concentrate on her work. 7. The teacher made it a rule to speak only English in class. 8. She felt it stupid for him to talk that. 不定式当宾语补足语(不定式可以与动词及其宾语构成复合结构,此时不定式作宾语的补足语) 1.A:Who taught you to drive? B: I taught myself! 六.不定式当宾语(不定式可以用作形容词,在句中充当定语。与形容词不同的是,不定式作宾语都是后置,放在所修饰的词之后) 1. A:Li was the first to arrive. B: Really? That’s not like him. He’s always the last one to arrive. 七.不定式当定语(不定式可以用作副词,在句中充当状语,表示目的、结果或原因) 1.A:I’ll do everything I can to help you. B: You’re really very kind to say so. 2. A: What have I said to make you so upset? B: Everything you say makes me upset. You are too heartless! 八.不定式当状语(不定式作状语有一些常见的固定结构,如:enough to, in order to, so as to, only to, too…to等) 1.A:He is old enough to make his own decision. B: I know he is old enough,


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