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湖南外国语职业学院教案首页 章节名称 Unit 2 Airline Personnel 授课日期 September, 2012 授课时数 4 授课方法 Communication, Practice 教 学 目 的 要 求 1 to get some ideas of the categories of airline personnel and each class’s responsibilities, etc. 2 to learn the key words and expressions. 4 translate some difficult sentences 5 to play roles and make announcements. 教 学 重 点 难 点 1 some key words and expressions: accelerate, arm, altitude, pre-flight briefing, ditching, eligible, evacuation, exit, fasten, inflate, initiative, instruct, prohibit, release, roar, steer, stow, taxi, pick up, pull up, put… full on, stretch out, take off, touch down, 2 Main roles of cabin attendants 使用 教具 multi-media 作业布置 to prepare dialogues and role-play 教 学 后 记 There are too many new words and expressions, and the passage is longer than Unit 1. We spent 4 periods on this unit; I don’t think it’s enough. In order to supervise the students’ study, we had a quiz. The highest score is 69, and the worst even couldn’t write any word on his paper. How serious it was! In order to supervise the students’ study constantly, we’ll have a quiz after we have learned 2 units. This is a big decision, for I will spend more time in this subject. 备注 Period 1-2 ⅠLead-in Review 1 Translate the words, phrases and sentences below: 1) 航站楼 2) 有效护照 3) 分配位子 4) 问讯处 5) 乘机手续台 6) 护照检查处 7) 安检处 8) 行李认领 9) 健康证明、接种证明和海关申请表 10) 被隔离 11) 外币兑换处 12) 地勤人员 13) 称行李 14) 超重行李 15) 候机室 16) 头等舱/商务舱/经济舱 17) 行李箱 18) 登机 19) 当班地勤人员 20) 国内航线 21) 排队 22) 插队 25) 告诉某人做某事 26) 监视屏幕 27) 检查可疑物品 28) 若某位旅客携带有金属制品,金属监测仪就会叫。 29) 任何旅客都享有免税商品限额。 30) 约在起飞前一小时,旅客到达登机口。 2 Fill in the forms: 1 Check ______ Check-in desk ① _______ 2 Weigh luggage ② _______ ③ _______ 3 ____________ Passport control


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