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气相色谱进样原理 (BYG分析色谱基础培训讲义) 程镜宝 三阀(六通阀)四柱进样原理 (串联) STEP 1 : Typical 4 minute C6+ application The sample purging conditioning system maintains a sample in the gaseous phase and passes the sample through transport tubing to the sample valve. The sample flows through the sample loop to the sample vent. helium is then diverted through the loop to transport the sample into the system for analysis. 样品吹扫系统维持样品在气相状态并通过传 输管路将样品送入样品阀(阀1); 接着样品流经定量管至排放出口; 然后,氦气将定量管中样品载入样品分析系统。 STEP 2 : Typical 4 minute C6+ application The sample valve switches ON to capture a precise volume of the sample to the allow carrier (helium) gas to sweep the sample from the sample loop into the first column. 样品气开关阀(V1)打开,载气(氦气)流过定量管,将准确定量的定量管内的样品带入1号柱。 STEP 3 : Typical 4 minute C6+ application The sample valve turns back OFF to purge for the next stream. The back flush valve turns OFF reversing the flow in column 1 so that components C6+ and heavier elute first (all combined as one peak) to the detector. 样品阀(V1)关闭,样品阀关闭用来吹洗流路为下一样品做准备。 反吹阀(V2)关闭,C6、C7、C8重组分被反吹回1号柱,并且进一步洗提回最初分离状态(分离的组分又重新组成一个重组分团),进入检测器,得到一个合峰。 STEP 4 : Typical 4 minute C6+ application Valve 3, the dual column valve, is switched OFF and the components from column 2 bypass column 3 and elute once again through column 1. the light components remain trapped in column 3 until valve 3 switches back on. 阀3为双柱阀,用来切换柱3与柱2的连接。阀3关闭时,柱2中分离出的组分,通过旁路,经过阀3旁路管,再通过柱1的再次洗提。 最轻组分团则密封在柱3中,直到阀3打开。 STEP 5 : Typical 4 minute C6+ application Valve number 3 switches ON at a point when column 2 components have completely methane, carbon dioxide and ethane. 当柱2完成CH4、CO2、C2H6分析时,阀3打开。 六通阀流路图 前文我们交待了进样的五个步骤,下面的流路就会按照这个步骤一步一步走下去。 为了便于大家理解,我将按照柱1、柱2、柱3中分离的组分顺序交待,这样,大家可能就容易理解啦。 阀的初始位为V1关,V2和V3开;单路载气(氦)供气。V1为取样阀,此时显示的是定量管取样,经调节好的样品进入阀1,吹扫定量管路。 注意样品进样口的一簇彩色球体,它代表着样品中的各个组分。 样品正在吹扫定量管。 吹扫完毕后的样品放空。 吹扫完毕后,V1打开,后续样品由进样品口流经阀1,流向放空; 定量管中的样品,则由载气带入分析系统。 当确认定量管中的样品已经被带入柱1时,V1又关闭了。开始对下一流路或批次的样品进行吹扫。 在柱1中,轻组团与重组分得以分离开。 当轻组分团通过V2、流向柱2时,V2关闭。这导致了载气在柱1上的流路完全相


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