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1.自从在上海第一次看见这个美丽的少女,他就像着了迷似地爱上了她。他是个小心谨慎,处事稳健的人,他知道过早地表露是一种危险,因此,他一直按捺着自己的感情,只是根据道静的情形适可而止地谈着各种使她中意的话题。 译文:He had fallen in love with a beautiful girl when he first saw her in Shanghai. He was such a cautious and calm man that he knew that too early showing his feeling would be dangerous. Thus, he hided his feelings in his heart and only talked about the topics that Daojing like. 2.多少一点困难怕什么!封锁吧,封锁十年八年,中国的一切问题都解决了。(毛泽东) What matters if we faced some difficulties! Let them blockade us. For blockading eight or ten years, all problems will be solved in China. 3.九岁时,母亲死去。父亲也就变了样,偶然打碎了一只杯子,他就要骂到使人发抖的程度。后来,就连父亲的眼睛也转了弯,每从他的身边走过,我就像自己身上生了针刺一样:他斜视看你,他那高傲的眼光从鼻梁经过嘴角而往下流着。 Mother died when I was nine. From then on father went from bad to worse. Even a mere cup accidentally broken by someone would send him into such a violent rage that we all shivered with fear. Later, whenever I happened to walk past him, he would even have his eyes directed sideways, which made me feel like being pricked all over on thorns. 4.But for all the modesty of her spreading skirts, the demureness of hair netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folds in her lap, her true self was poorly concealed. (Margaret Mitchell: Gone With The Wind) 可是不管她那散开的长裙显得多么端庄,不管她那梳得光滑的后髻显得多么老实,也不管她那叠在膝头上的一双雪白的小手显得多么安静,总都掩饰不了她的真性情。 5.I was up the next morning before the October sunrise, and away through the wild and the woodland. The rising of the sun was noble in the cold and warmth of it; peeping down the spread of light, he raised his shoulder heavily over the edge of gray mountain and wavering length of upland. Beneath his gaze the dew-fogs dipped and crept to the hollow places then stole away in line and column, holding skirts and clinging subtly at the sheltering corners where rock hung over grass-land, while the brave lines of hills came forth, one beyond other gliding. 第二天凌晨,在十月的太阳升起之前,我已经起身并穿过了旷野和丛林。十月的清晨乍寒还暖,日出的景象非常壮观。透过一片晨曦,朝日从朦胧的山冈和起伏连绵的高地过际,沉重地抬起肩头。在它的逼视下,蒙蒙的雾气向下沉降,落到洼地里去,接着一丝丝


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