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河北省定州市李亲顾中学2015-2016学年高一英语上学期第一次月考试题 第I卷 单项选择题 (共小题;每小题分,满分分 Iraq has __________ too many wars since 1990, making his people __________ a lot. A. got through; pay B. looked through; face C. gone through; suffer D. passed through; destroy 2. Please __________ the numbers and I’m sure they will __________ more than 1, 000. A. add up; add to B. add up; add up C. add up; add up to D. add to; add up 3 His father told me that he __________ for the United States three days __________. A. has left; ago B. had left; ago C. left; ago D. had left; before 4. —I missed the first part of the film. It was really a pity. —You __________ home half an hour earlier. A. should go B. must have gone C. should leave D. should have left 5 桯ow many times have you been to China? 桰n fact, it is the first time that urI __________ here. A. was B. am C. had been D. have been 6. There was __________ time __________ I hated to go to school. A. a; that B. a; when C. the; that D. the; when 7. The teacher raised her voice __________ everyone could hear clearly. A. in order to B. in order that C. so as to D. make sure 8. It was at 5 o’clock __________ the visitors finally arrived at Pudong International Airport. A. when B. that C. before D. after 9. The other day, when I was shopping, I happened __________ my former teacher whom I __________ for many years. A. to meet; hadn’t seen B. meeting; haven’t seen C. to meet; haven’t seen D. meeting; hadn’t seen 10. The water of the lake were so __________ that it looked like glass. A. silent B. calm C. still D. quiet 阅读理解 (共小题;每小题2分,满分分)A Kenyon Scudder once told me a story about his friend, Michael. Michael happened to be on a train sitting next to a young man who seemed worried. Finally the young man told the friend that he was a convict (罪犯) returning home from a prison far away. What he did had br



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