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Teaching plan Book III Unit 1-Unit 9 自学Unit 10 Quiz 1 (10.24): Book 3 Unit1,2,3,4 Quiz 2 (11.26) Book I Book II (自学) Quiz 3 (12.24) Book3 Unit5,6,7,8 Movie Hours (10.29 , 1.2) Oral Exam (1.7) 最终成绩构成: 期末考试60% 平时40%, 包括:口试10%(包括背诵5%),课堂表现:5%(包括出勤,课堂参与,作业等), 三次测验15% 作文10%(批改4篇,其中两篇是QUIZ中的作文)。 UNIT 1 Personality In-class Reading The Misery of Shyness Read the passage in 15 minutes.read Fill in the bracket with the missing words. 1. Shy people are anxious and self-conscious; that is, they are excessively concerned_______ their own appearance and actions. 2. In general, the way people think ______ themselves has a profound effect ______ all areas of their lives. 3. Shy people are very sensitive ______ criticism. 4. A shy person may respond ______ a compliment with a statement like this one: 5. People’s expectations ______ themselves must be realistic. 6. Dwelling ______ the impossible leads ______ a sense of inadequacy, and even feelings of envy, or jealousy. 7. You may be timid ______ being with a group of strangers at a party. 8. Don’t feel that you must converse ______ everyone. 9. Don’t waste time and energy ______ them. 10. There are numerous approaches _____ all issues. 11. Do not make negative comments ______ yourself. 12. If, for example, a friend complains about your cooking, accept it as a comment ______ your cooking, not yourself. 13. Do not associate ______ people who make you feel inadequate. All kinds of people describe themselves as shy…(P1L2) “describe…as” accept, interpret, regard, view, look on, consider, take, perceive, label…as 后接名词,动名词,形容词 E.g. He would not interpret my silence as a refusal. She is viewed as a strong candidate for the position. We look on her as our daughter. Do you consider him as a friend or a colleague? Review the use of “as” as prep., All kinds of people describe themselves as shy:... ...they do not regard cri


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