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heredity (n.) (Line4, Para1) [U] the passing on of qualities from parent to child in the cells of the body 遗传;遗传性 Some diseases develop because of the conditions one lives in; others are present by heredity. 有些孩子性情温和似乎是遗传所致。 Some children seem to be gentle by heredity. 有些疾病是由于人居住的环境形成的,有些是遗传的缘故。 Translation heritage 使用最广泛,不仅指一般的遗产,也 指世代相传的具有特色的精神财富或 物质财富。 比较 heritage, heredity 和 inheritance 词汇辨析 heredity 特指生物遗传。 inheritance 指继承这一行为,不指继承的东 西。为抽象名次。 请用heritage, heredity或inheritance填空。 Exercise 他将从姑母那里继承来的财产捐给了当地孤儿院。 The estate he received __________ by from his aunt was donated to the local orphanage. 公正比赛是我们的传统。 Fair play is part of our _______. heritage inheritance 我们的肤色取决于遗传。 The colour of our skin is due to _________. heredity interact (v.) (Line 8, Para. 1) (+ on / with) have an effect on each other or something else 互相作用,互相影响 大学生,社会 We college students should actively interact with the society. We college students should be in active interaction with the society. 各国,互相作用 In international affairs, all countries are interrelated and interact on each other. 请用下面的提示词造句。 Exercise identical (adj. no comp.) (Line 3, Para. 2) 1. ( + with / to) exactly alike 完全相同的,完全一样的 2. the same 同一的 请辨析下列句子中 identical 的含义。 Exercise This is the identical hotel that we stayed in last year. a. 相同的  b. 同一的 No leaves are identical. a. 相同的  b. 同一的 同一天 Both events happened on the identical day. 声音相同 Your voice is identical to your brothers. You and your brother have almost identical voices. 请用下面的提示词造句。 Exercise resemblance (n.) (Line 7, Para. 3) the fact or an instance of being like or similar to anther person or thing 相似,类似 resemble (v.) look or be like 像,似 这对同卵双胞胎 (the identical twins) 长相相似但性 格不同。 这个赝品(counterfeit)与徐悲鸿的真迹极其相似。 There is a str


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