环境污染Water pollution.ppt

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环境污染Water pollution

Water pollution A serious problem ! What caused water pollution ? Because crew factor (人为因素)or natural process are direct or indirectly line up the matter into water body, spark water body occurrence(发生) impact water to live the water living creature to breed the fluid matter change of growth as usual. 1.The harm of the water pollution a:Harm of water pollution to human body Human body in the process of metabolism(新陈代谢), along with the drinking and the food, pass digest pass each fraction(一部分) that enters a human body of various underwater elements.When lack some or a certain human body life in water process essential(必不可少的) element, will effect human body health.According to the investigation, drink to be subjected to a person who pollute water, suffer from the outbreak rate of cancers, such as liver(肝) cancer and stomach cancer...etc., compare to drink to sweep water of high 61.5% is or so. b:Harm of water pollution to water livings When mankind to exhaust pollutant in water, some beneficial water‘s living living creature will be poisoned to die, but some bear dirty (耐污染)water to living creature will turn worse to breed, in great quantities the dissipation(消耗) resolves the oxygen in the water and make beneficial water living creature because of the anoxia (缺氧)Be forced to move to stay elsewhere, or death. C:harm of water pollution to agriculture and industry One is to make the commercial plant be subjected to(遭受) puncture(破坏), the severity(严重) effects product mass.Two is to make the chemical composition(成分) of soil transform, the fatty(肥力) force descends and cause farm crop output reduction and seriously stain(变污).Three is the wastewater treatment charge that makes the city raise a life to use water and industrial water. The solution Sound(健全的) law enlarges to punish strength Adopt related segment(部门) and the government accountability system of boss(政府问责制 Individual and unit that takes no responsibility should be given scathing(严厉的) punish As f


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