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Lesson 41◆spoil /sp??l/ (spoiling, spoilt, spoils) 1. V-T(及物动词)毁坏; 破坏2. V-T娇惯3. V-T犒劳; 优待4. V-T使 (食物) 变坏; (食物) 变坏5. PHRASEIf you say that someone is spoiled for choice or spoilt for choice, you mean that they have a great many things of the same type to choose from. (因可选的太多而) 不知作何选择是好[英国英语]◆ rapture /?r?pt??/ N-UNCOUNT 狂喜[文学性]◆glint /ɡl?nt/ (glinting, glinted, glints) 1. V-I(不及物动词)闪光[书面]2. N-COUNTA glint is a quick flash of light. 闪光[书面][usu N of n]...glints of sunlight. …阳光的闪烁。idyllic /??d?l?k/ ADJ 牧歌的,田园诗的◆ dubious /?dju?b??s/ 1. ADJ可疑的; 不太可靠的2. dubiously ADV可疑地; 不太可靠地◆ invariable /?n?v??r??b?l/ ADJ不变的; 恒定的invariably /?n?v??r??bl?/ 1. ADV 不变地◆ stagger /?st?ɡ?/ (staggering, staggered, staggers) 1. V-I (因生病、醉酒等) 摇晃地走; 蹒跚2. V-T使震惊3. staggered ADJ震惊的 [v-link ADJ]4. V-T错开 (假期或工作时间)◆ exotic /?ɡ?z?t?k/ 1. ADJ(常因来自遥远的他国而显得) 奇异的;2. exoticallyADV奇异地◆ tuck /t?k/ CET6 TEM4(tucking, tucked, tucks) 1. V-T (为舒服或整齐) 把…塞入; 把…夹入◆ obstinate /??bst?n?t/adj. 顽固的;倔强的;难以控制的Lesson 42◆ solitude /?s?l??tju?d/ 1. N-UNCOUNT Solitude is the state of being alone, especially when this is peaceful and pleasant. 独处◆ lure /l??/ (luring, lured, lures) 1. V-T 引诱2. N-COUNT诱饵3. N-COUNT诱惑力; 魅力◆ peculiar /p??kju?l??/ 1. ADJ不寻常的; 古怪的2. peculiarly ADV不寻常地; 奇怪地3. ADJ 特有的; 独特的4. peculiarly ADV特有地; 独特地◆ dim /d?m/ CET4 TEM4(dimming, dimmed, dimmer, dims, dimmest) 1. ADJ Dim light is not bright. 昏暗的2. Dimly ADV昏暗地3. ADJ Adim place is rather dark because there is not much light in it. 黑暗的4. ADJ Adim figure or object is not very easy to see, either because it is in shadow or darkness, or because it is far away. 蒙胧的5. Dimly ADV蒙胧地6. ADJ If you have a dim memory or understanding of something, it is difficult to remember or is unclear in your mind. 模糊的7. Dimly ADV模糊地8. ADJ 悲观的9. V-T/ V-I If you dim a light or if it dims, it becomes less bright. 使变暗; 变暗10. V-T/ V-I If your future, hopes, or emotions dim or if something dims them, they become less good or less strong. 使变暗淡; 变暗淡11. V-T/V-I If your memories di


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