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LSI large-scale integration大规模集成电路 PLC Programmable Logic Controller可编程逻辑控制器 LED light-emitting diodes发光二极管 IC Integrated circuit 集成电路 AC Alternate Current交流 DC Direct Current直流 DSP digital signal processing数字信号处理digital signal processor数字信号处理器 NFC Near Field Communication近距离无线通信 PCS Personal Communications Service个人通信服务 PDA Personal Digital Assistance掌上电脑(个人数字助理) PDC Personal Data Cellular分组数据蜂窝 QoS Quality of Service 服务质量 RTT Radiation Tracking Transducer无线电传输技术 UWB Ultra Wide Band超宽带 二、翻译公式 基本函数公式 英语-公式 a2-b2=(a+b)(a-b) a squared minus b squared equals open parenthesis a plus b close parenthesis times open parenthesis a minus b close parenthesis. x plus one over the quantity x squared times the quantity x cubed minus four to the two-third power. The limit as n approaches infinity of the quantity one over n squared times one plus two plus to plus n. {a[b+(c-d)]} one half open brace , a open bracket b plus open parenthesis c minus d close parenthesis close bracket close brace. Capital sigma the quantity a sub n times b sub n times the cosine of n time omega over 2 times pi from n equals one to n equals five. Product of all an from n equals one to infinity. max (a1,a2,……an),min (a1,a2,……an) Maximum/minimum value of the series a sub one to a sub n. Limit as n approaches infinity of the quantity of one plus one over n to the nth power equals e. Upper/lower limit of a sub n as n approaches/tends to infinity. y’=-1/xn y prime equals minus one over x to the nth power. The first derivative of y with respect to x equals minus one over x to nth power. The second derivative of y with respect to x equals a squared times e to the power of minus a times x. The indefinite integral of the quantity a over x minus a with respect to x equals a times the quantity logarithm of the absolute value of x minus a plus c. The integral from 0 to pi over two of the quantity one over one plus a times cosine of x with respect to x. (a0,m,n均为正整数) a to the minus m over n po


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