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Author Alan Moore, was born on November 18 in 1953, the British cartoonist, novelist and screenplay writer. He was well-known by his excellent work Watchmen. Major works V for Vendetta (1982–1985) Watchmen (1986–1987) From Hell (1991–1996) Voice of the Fire(1996) The Mirror of Love(2003) Evey Hammond is going out to see a co-worker named Gordon Deitrich. It is past curfew, so she is stopped by three police officers. When she is about to be harmed, V, a man who wears a Guy Fawkes mask, rescues her. Then they go up on the roof. Evey is shocked to see the Old Bailey be destroyed as V laughs. http://Plot for V for Vendetta /a/ambjlwz/454769.html The next day, V enters the BTN. He then forces the people there to play a message. The message goes out to all households. V tells people that the government can tape anyone and arrest anyone and people fear it. And he would blow up the Old Bailey and invites them to join him next November 5th. The government has started to pour troops into the BTN. V fights them off, but is caught. However, Evey frees V. V carries her away because he knows she would be in big trouble for helping him. After some time, Evey comes to help V to kill a priest. Then Evey runs away to Gordon ’s house. One day, Gordon makes fun of the Chancellor Adam Sutler on his talk show. In response, Sutler arrests him. Evey tries to escape and is caught. She is then tortured over many days. Eventually, one man tells her that she will be shot if she doesn’t say anything about V. Evey says she would rather be shot, she doesn’t fear any more. This is what V wants. Evey is angry when It’s revealed that V was behind the torture but soon accepts it. She promises to come back before November 5th. Meanwhile, a Norsefire Party worker named Eric Finch begins to look into the government. He does not trust it anymore. He realizes that V is killing everyone who was at a detention camp called Larkhill. He attempts to find out more information. Actually, V was a prisoner at Lar


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