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第三讲 信念的证实 一,信念证实的概念分析 二,信念证实的证实 一,信念证实的概念分析 第 一,什么是信念的证实?此处所强调的证实是对经验信念的证实。这里的“证实”一词是对英语“justification”的翻译。在英语中,相当于我们所谓“证实”的有两个单词。一个就是上面提到的justification。另一个就是verification。我们查阅英文版的哲学辞典,可以发现, verification不单用,而经常是与另一个单词联着用。这个单词就是principle。我们来看The Oxford Companion to Philosophy是怎么解释的。 Verification principle also called the Verifiability Principle, has two forms: (1)The meaning of a statement is the method of its verification. (2)A statement is meaningful if and only if it is in principle verifiable. (1)implies (2) but not all recognize the converse implication. Verification may cover only observational procedures, in which case the principle is applied only to ‘factual’ statements, allegedly analytic statements (including pure mathematics), somehow true by definition, receiving a separate treatment. Alternatively, verification may cover calculations for establishing these. The verification principle was a main tenet of the original Logical Positivists, inspired by remarks of Wittgenstein. Prominent supporters have included Moritz Schilick and A. J. Ayer. Problems have been its judgements on itself and the fact that any statement will have verifiable implications if conjoined with suitably chosen others. None the less the general idea that genuinely factual knowledge must increase our powers of empirical prediction has influenced many. (p 898) 上面所说的证实原则就是逻辑实证主义的,尤其是维也纳学派的主张。这里所谓证实就是经验证实,强调的是经验内容与对经验内容的陈述之间的关系。 如果汉语的证实一词用于翻译英语的verification,那么英语单词justification有用什么样的汉语单词来翻译合适呢? 我们先来看看英语justification的真实含义吧。词典在解释justification时这样说的The property ascribed to a belief in virtue of satisfying certain evaluative norms concerning what a person ought to believe. Such norms measure the ‘goodness’ for a belief in so far as we are interested in epistemic goals, such as attaining truth and avoiding error. The classical view conceives of justification as necessary for knowledge, and sees it as a matter of the adequacy of the reasons or evidence one has for a given belief. 可以清楚地看出,根据


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