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2012年研究生翻译材料 Unit 1 1.Has the importance of technology been stressed over that of the humanities at a time when perhaps the converse should be ture? 在一个也许更需要强调人文学科的重要性的时代里,是否相反过分强调了技术的重要性?2.Thus the art of architecture and its decoration—the post-office mural or the restored Williamsburg –are forced on millions who ,left to themselves ,might live in a cave or atent. 于是,建筑及其装饰艺术,如邮局墙面上的壁饰或是复原的威廉斯堡,强加给了成百上千万人,如果任其自然,这些人就会生活在洞穴或帐篷里面。3.On the surface ,these uses appear more individual than social ,more self-indulgent than altruistic. 从表面上来看,这些用途个人的而不是社会的,是自我陶醉而不是利他主义。4.We may acknowledge the desirability of devoting human energies to killing viruses and improving our neighbors; but it does not follow that all rewards and research funds should go to projects for the immediate relief of pain and sorrow . 我们可以赞赏把人类精力投入到杀死病毒并改善我们邻里环境的愿望,但是这并不意味着所有的奖赏和研究基金都应该分配给旨在立即消除疼痛和悲伤的项目上去。5.There’s no end to the silly,scholarly interest that actual,living modern,scientific,respectable American citizens will take up rather than do an honest day’s work clearing slums and keeping down divorce. 当代现实中活生生的、懂科学、令人尊敬的美国公民宁愿继续这种永无止境的愚蠢的学者兴趣而不愿意实实在在地干好一天工作,打扫打扫贫民窟,降低居高不下的离婚率。6.The practical man it seems ,has been too busy spinning dreams of medical and behavioral betterment to bring his opinion in line with his practice. 而那些务实的人好像一直忙于编织医学和行为进步的梦想,而无法做到言行一致。7.They are poor in means ,because they have not known how to make out their case on their own grounds. 它们不善于使用手段,因为它们还没有学会如何在自己所熟悉的领域为己一辩。8.This filtering of the subject ,man ,through the medium of mind has the effect of keeping always in the foreground the element of novelty of uniqueness ,of astonishing unpredictability. 通过精神这一媒介,这种对主题,即人类,的过滤过程产生出这样的效果:让新鲜、独特、根本无法预科的成分总处于最显著的位置。 Unit 3 1. The reason this does not happen is not that we have become hardened to these fantastic appeals to our passions, but that we have become so groggy ,so passive , so helpless amidst the endless barrage of appeals that “we go about our business”, as we say. 之所


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