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English Examination for Master Degree PartⅠ Listening Comprehension(25%) Section A: Compound dictation (10 points) Directions: In this part, you will hear a piece of news three times. You must listen carefully and fill in the missing words. For the first time, listen carefully and try your best to understand. For the second time, write down what you hear on the tape. For the third time, check your answer. Britain returned control of Hong Kong to China. The handover was dogged by fears in the territory about what the ___1 political____ change would bring. Would freedoms be eroded? Would its free-willing capitalist way of life be compromised? Jill McGivering was a _2 journalist ___in Hong Kong in the 1980s and the BBCs correspondent there immediately after the handover. Shes gone back to see how the former colonys faring ten years on. The heat was oppressive. But as the long thin Chinese rowing boats sliced through the water, the crowd along the riverbank burst into life, ____3 cheering___ and waving and urging the teams on. The rowers were luminous in Lycra, pounding the water to the beat of a Chinese drum. The boats, each prow carved and painted as a rising Chinese dragon, flew towards the finish line. The Chinese festival of dragon boat racing stretches back thousands of years. Hong Kong loves it, partly because of a pride of a Chinese tradition and partly because its a great day out. ___All around me__4___, small children, parents and grandparents were pressed against the rails, eating ice cream. The mood amongst spectators was ___5__ relaxed____. Peter Wang, a portly property agent with thick glasses, greeted me with a beaming smile. At the time of the handover, he said, hed had mixed feelings. He had been proud ___6__ Hong Kong was going back to China___, but he was also frightened. Now he said he was just proud. Politics, economics, everything is better now than ten years ago, he added. __7_ The mainland_____has really helped Hong Kong. Others there said the s


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