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Photosynthetic 英[fotos?nθet?k] adj. [生化] 光合的;光合作用的 it inhibits the transfer of photosynthetic outgrowth to maize seeds 对玉米的光合产物向玉米籽粒中运输也有一定的抑制作用 In the absence of photosynthetic reaction centers(RCs), the PBsomes are highly fluorescent 在没有与光合作用反应中心复合物结合的情况下,藻胆体自身具有很强的荧光性。 herbicide英[h??b?sa?d] 美[?b?sa?d] n. [农药] 除草剂 Genetically altered soybeans and cotton require less herbicide to control weeds. These varieties now make up more than 70 percent of all soybean and cotton acreage planted in the United States 转基因的大豆和棉花不需要那么多除草剂来控制杂草,这些品种现在占美国大豆和棉花种植面积的70%以上 angst英[??st] n. 焦虑;担心 You can understand their angst spin-off[spin?:f, -?f] n. 副产品 But the greatest spin-off from switching biofuels production to the oceans would be the return of land to food production, making food and nutrition more easily available to the worlds poor n.分流 With market uncertainty, technical innovation, organization reform and staff mobility, the environmental that the state-owned enterprises in China are facing has become more complicated, especially to those spin-off enterprises. 当前,中国国有企业面临的环境越来越复杂:市场的不确定性,技术的创新性,组织的变革性,人员的流动性。 而改制分流企业面临的环境就更加复杂。 banish英[b?n??] 美[b?n??] expel from a community or group ban from a place of residence, as for punishment expel, as if by official decree vt. 驱除,消除 Banish gloom from your thoughts vt把…流放(或充军),放逐;把…驱逐出境 The king banished the traitor from the realm. vt 赶走,开除 The hecklers were banished from the courtroom. 捣乱分子被赶出法庭 vt禁止…出入(某地) The reporters were banished from the enemy-occupied areas vegetarian英[ved??te?r??n] 美[v?d??t?r??n] eater of fruits and grains and nuts; someone who eats no meat or fish or (often) any animal products n. 素食者;食草动物 You absolutely do not have to be a vegetarian to simplify your meals adj. 素食的 While there have been several vegetarian astronauts, NASA doesnt have a policy eating animals in space stringently[strind??ntli] in a stringent manner adv. 严格地,严厉地 According to Home Secretary Theresa May, the rule will be more stringently app


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