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Some alternatives to make for yourself: 1. see the glass as half-full or half empty? 2. focus your eye on the doughnut or on the hole? 3. make difficulties of your opportunities or vice versa/or the other way round (make opportunities of your difficulties)?? 4. see only the dark side of the clouds/ dont see the clouds at all /see both sides? 5. stay up until midnight to see the new year in? Or stay up to make sure the old year leaves? Par. One: Scrutinize the power of positive thinking: have a closer examination of what optimism can bring about仔细观察积极思维所起的作用 She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces.向前探身,仔细端详其面容。 S~ the documents before sending them in.上交前仔细审查这些文件。 他的观点经不起认真推敲。 His argument doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Par. 2: A large body/group of people一大批人 A large body/amount of information/research/evidence大量的信息/研究/证据 Pessimist … is linked to depression, loneliness and painful shyness.悲观与沮丧、孤独、令人苦恼的腼腆密切相关。(Line 3-4) Inoculate: protect a person/animal from catching a particular disease by injecting a vaccine ([v?ksi:n])接种;打预防针 近义词:immunize ( [imju:naiz] )sb. against 使……有免疫能力 Ill: (n.) (pl.)指疾病(complaint, disease, ailments, illness)、问题、弊端(abuse):social ills; economic ills; the ills of the modern world现代世界的弊端 Par. 3 Count: have weight; carry weight; be weighty Eg. Isolated instances do not count.个别情况不算数。’s the thought that counts. (a small but kind action of a gift) Par. 5 Be impressed by: 被……深深感动 对什么留下很深的印象Eg. It’s nothing to be impressed by没有什么了不起It is hard not to be impressed by his talents and passion. 很难不被他的才学和激情 Par. 6 Look for loopholes寻找漏洞 Loopholes: (法律上的)漏洞,空子 A loophole in the law is a small mistake which allows people to do something that would otherwise be illegal.? exploit some loopholes in the law 钻法律漏洞 They tightened the loopholes in those acts. 他们堵住了那些法案中的漏洞。 tax loopholes 征税漏洞’re responsible for sth. good that has happened赞扬;认可 It is dishonest of you to take credit for work that was done by others. 你把别人所做的工作归功于自己是不诚实的。’s


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