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海南大学课程论文 课程名称: 生物工程生物技术专业英语 题目名称: 动物细胞培养综述 学 院: 专业班级:            姓  名:            学  号: 2012年 11 月 22 日 动物细胞培养综述 摘要:动物细胞培养是指在体外培养动物细胞的技术,即在无菌条件下,从机体中取出组织或细胞,或利用已经建立的动物细胞系,模拟机体内的正常生理状态下生存的基本条件,让细胞在培养容器中生存、生长和繁殖的方法。 动物细胞培养开始于本世纪初,到1962年规模开始扩大,发展至今已成为生物、医学研究和应用中广泛采用的技术方法,利用动物细胞培养生产具有重要医用价值的酶、生长因子、疫苗和单抗等,已成为医药生物高技术产业的重要部分。由于动物细胞体外培养的生物学特性、相关产品结构的复杂性和质量以及一致性的要求,动物细胞大规模培养技术仍然难于满足具有重要医用价值生物制品的规模生产的需求,迫切需要进一步研究和发展细胞培养工艺。目前,世界众多研究领域集中在优化细胞培养环境、改变细胞特性、提高产品的产率并保证其质量和一致性上。 本文介绍了关于动物细胞培养技术的起源史,动物细胞培养的技术基本概念,当前培养技术的特点、环境和生长条件、方式,以及现代化的动物细胞培养技术的应用现状和存在的问题与展望。从而让更多的人了解技术的使用,使我们这项技术得到更广更好的发展。 Abstract:Animal cell culture refers to a culture of animal cells in vitro techniques,namely under aseptic conditions, was removed from the body tissue or cells, or using the animal cell lines have been established, the basic conditions for survival under the normal physiological condition of the body of the simulator,cell survival, growth and reproduction in the culture vessel. Animal cell culture starts at the beginning of this century, the 1962 scale began to expand, the development has become widely used in bio-medical research and application technology, the use of animal cell culture production of an important medical value of enzymes, growth factors, vaccines and monoclonal antibody, has become an important part of the medical and biological high-tech industry. Biological characteristics of animal cells cultured in vitro, the complexity and the quality and consistency of the requirements of the product structure, large-scale cultivation of animal cells is still difficult to meet the demand scale production of an important medical value of biological products, there is an urgent need for further research and The deve


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