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( )   重庆工商大学学报 西部论坛 第 18卷第 4 期  2008年 7月 ·对外经贸 ·               J Chongqing Technol Bu sine ss Un iv. (W est Forum )  Vo l. 18 No. 4 Ju ly 2008 从中日、中韩双边贸易看中日韩贸易一体化 蒋  霞 (西南民族大学 , 四川 成都 6 1004 1) 摘  要 :尽管中日、中韩双边贸易发展过程中存在一些问题 ,但相互之间的合作已经是大势所趋 。由于 历史原因和层次所限 , 中日两国率先建立自由贸易区的可能性较小 。比较现实的做法是中韩之间首先建立 双边 自由贸易区 ,然后吸收日本加入 ,逐步向中日韩三边 自由贸易区过渡 。 关键词 :经济一体化 ;贸易一体化 ; 自由贸易协定 ;双边贸易 中图分类号 : F06 1. 5; F752   文献标识码 : A   文章编号 : 1008 - 6439 (2008) 04 - 0078 - 05 Research on trade integra tion of Ch ina, Japan and South Korea from perspective of Sino - Japanese, Sino - South Korean b ila tera l trade J IAN G X ia ( Sou thw est U n ivers ity of N a tiona lities, C hengdu, S ichuan 6 1004 1, C h ina ) A b stract: Though som e p rob lem s are existed in the b ilateral trade of Sino - Jap an and that of Sino - Sou th Korea, the coop eration among three coun tries ha s becom e the m ain a sp ect of the trade. The au thor in th is article analyze s the curren t situation, ob stacle s, and trend of the b ilateral trade of Sino - J ap an and that of Sino - South Korea, and argue s that due to the restriction of h istorical reason s and trade levels, there is low po ssib ility of bu ilding the free trade area between Ch ina and J ap an firstly. More fea sib le app roach is that a b ilateral free trade area between Ch ina and South Korea is bu ilt as the first step , wh ich is then op en to


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