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在谷歌的搜索框输入某位CEO的姓名时,系统会自动填充一部分搜索结果,它们往往代表了网友最关心的问题。这些问题至少可以说……令人震惊。比如谷歌联合创始人谢尔盖?布林是蝙蝠侠吗?维珍创始人理查德?布兰森是处男吗?现在,我们已经为您找到了答案。 网友最想知道的商界大佬小秘密 At Fortune, we strive to bring you the business news you need to know. But are we bringing you the business news that you want to know? Judging from the most frequently searched queries about todays business leaders, maybe not. According to the results presented by the autofill mechanism on Google search, some of the most pressing questions lie beyond our magazines typical purview. For example, Is Richard Branson a virgin? (no!) and Will Bill Gates give me $5,000 (unlikely!), and, mysteriously, Sergey Brin is Batman (well, maybe...). To see the answers to the Internets most persistent questions about top business executives, read on. 《财富》杂志致力于为您提供您需要知道的商业新闻。但我们是否正在为您提供您想知道的商业新闻?从针对商业领袖最常见的搜索查询来判断,也许不是。 根据谷歌搜索的自动填充机制呈现的结果,一些最紧迫的问题超出了我们这份杂志的惯常视野。比如,“理查德?布兰森是处男吗?”(不是!),或者“比尔?盖茨会给我5,000美元吗?”(没门的事!),还有更神秘莫测的,“谢尔盖?布林是蝙蝠侠吗?”(怎么说呢,也许吧)。 网络上涉及顶级公司掌门人最执着的问题是哪些?它们的答案是什么?请继续往下读。 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Q: Can Mark Zuckerberg see everyones Facebook? A: Probably. Information shared with Facebook is likely viewable by Facebooks highest ranking executive. (Does he have the time or interest? Probably not.) Q: Mark Zuckerberg is a CIA agent. A: No! (At least, were pretty sure.) Despite what The Onion says, the popular social network is not a government surveillance apparatus, and its founder is not a decorated agent codenamed The Overlord. Though we think that would look pretty snazzy on business cards. Q: Why is Mark Zuckerberg a robber baron? A: Despite a conspicuous lack of legendary facial hair, as is typically seen on the 19th century industrialists for whom this term is usually reserved, Zuckerbergs net worth is estimated to be an eye-popping $19 billion. (Whether you deem that to be from plundering and swindling is up to you.) Facebook首席执行官马克?扎克伯格 问:“马克?扎克伯格能看到每个人的Facebook页面吗?” 答:可能吧。用Facebook共享的信息


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