综合英语第三册 unit one fresh start.ppt

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综合英语第三册 unit one fresh start

Unit One Fresh start Answers to Translation p9 It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures. He assumed an air of cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss. Gulliver experienced extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people. Part one Preparation Task One How well have you been acquainted with our university? Freshmen versus Seniors Just Kidding How well have you been acquainted with your university Can you recognize these places? Which is your favorite place/ the most frequently visited place on campus? Why? Would you walk us through a typical day of yours on campus? Just Kidding University is full of knowledge; the freshmen bring a little in and the seniors take none away, and knowledge accumulates Pre-reading Questions Do you remember your first campus visit, registration or the first day of classes? How did you feel? And why did you get that kind of feeling? The following words might be useful. Fresh, lost, surprised, homesick, shocked, disillusioned, disappointed, different, carefree, independent, excited, proud, busy, messy, unbearable ,tired Pre-reading Questions Now you are Juniors , how do you feel about this fresh start? Have you got to feel any difference compared to your life in Grade one? How did you study last year? Give yourself a self comment as to first year college’ life. Cultural Background College Study In American colleges and universities, students have many choices about the subjects they study, their class schedule, and the teachers of their classes. In this way, students can create a schedule that is most suitable for them. They can also fulfill the requirements of their degree. Therefore, students carry most of the responsibility for managing their academic life, although academic advisors are available to help them. Grading Systems in the U. S. Most colleges use letter grades like A, B, C, D, F, and some use plus or minus like B- or C


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