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Provence is a very alluring place ,It was a stone house that was big and old with many rooms and walls as thick as a fortress. 独特风格的遗迹,包括完整的古城池、竞技场、圆拱门、喷泉,或是颓圮的石柱、失散的马赛克壁饰,另一个特色是中世纪的修道院。 在水乡,桥是极寻常的景观 QiLiangs hole 奇梁洞 Tianxing mountain 天星山 Much of the fame of Wuzhen Town can be attributed to Mao Dun, a great modern writer and the first cultural minister of the Peoples Republic. Born in Wuzhen, Mao has described the town with great warmth in several of his novels, and his former dwelling is preserved here. 乌镇的名气大部分可以归因于茅盾,一个伟大的现代作家和第一人民共和国的文化部长。他出生于乌镇,毛泽东形容他的小说中以极大的热情描述了这个镇,他的故居被保存在这里。 In water town, bridge is extremely usual landscape 定升桥 ?雨读桥 晴耕桥 白莲塔 White Lotus Tower fenghuang county located at the hunan province north west edge,west the neighbour guizhou province。 It was built in the Kangxi Period of ancient city of Phoenix is a national historical and cultural city. 建于清康熙时期的凤凰古城是一座国家历史文化名城。 Local customs 地方风情 Phoenix is a multiethnic county , mainly by the Miao nationality ,the Tujia nationality, the Han nationality, the Hui nationality 凤凰是多民族聚居县,主要由苗族,土家族,汉族,回族 特产 specialty 手工织锦 handmade tapestry 蜡染 batik 扎染 tie-dye Club rice sour fish Xiangxi bacon Tanks bacteria Pork Sour soup cooked tofu Duck blood cake Phoenix ancient eight scene 东岭迎晖 南华叠翠 奇峰挺秀 溪桥夜月 龙潭渔火 焚阁回涛 山寺晨钟 兰径樵歌 Phoenix eight unique landscape 凤凰八绝 * * * * * Provence, France-法国普罗旺斯 Wuzhen —乌 镇 Phoenix —凤凰古城 Simple and noble Provence, France------简朴高尚的法国普罗旺斯 provence is located in southern france,from the Mediterranean Sea extends to inland river in the hilly region, many ancient history,with beautiful town of sunshine and the blue sky ,To make people amazing. 普罗旺斯位于法国南部,从地中海沿岸延伸到内陆的丘陵地区,很多历史城镇,自古以来就以靓丽的阳光和蔚蓝的天空,令世人惊艳。  普罗旺斯境内有艾克斯(Aix-en-Provence)、马赛等名城,还有阿尔(Arles)市、葛德市、阿维尼翁(Avignon)、尼姆(Nimes)市等组成,并出产优质葡萄酒。此地区物产丰饶、阳光明媚、风景优美,从古希腊、古罗马时代起就吸引着无数游人,至今依然是旅游胜地。 There are many famous cities locating in the Provence territory ,such as Marseill


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