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名段欣赏 Bore no relation to : 和…没有关系 He acts as if he had a good command of English. It was as if the world had come to an end. 也不是没有别的办法。 The social system in which and for which the education is carried on. 教育在某种社会组织中并为该社会体系而施行。 Reasons for the unsatisfactoriness of the answers = reasons why the answers are unsatisfactory It is not I that am to blame. It is seldom that I ever see him anymore. 人们在谈论教育的时候常常忽略它与社会体系之间的关系, 而教育正是建立在一定的社会体系之上并为之服务的。 忽略两者之间的关系往往是造成教育不尽如人意的最普遍的原因。 2. The vices of others we keep before our eyes, our own behind our back; it happens therefore that a man does not pardon another’s faults who has more of his own. --- Joseph Addison, The Spectator 《旁观者》 我们把别人的缺点摆在眼前, 却把自己的缺点抛诸脑后, 因此, 一个人常常为别人的缺点而耿耿于怀, 却不顾自己身上有更多的缺点。 笑到最后的人笑得最甜 . He laughs best who laughs last. Young men see visions; old men dream dreams. 年轻人梦想未来, 老年人梦见过去。 Lucky at cards, unlucky in love. As they had no children _______________, they had ___________ an __________(孤儿). Most young men want to be on their own before they come of age. 3. Very, very early in my boyhood I had acquired the habit of going about alone to amuse myself in my own way, and it was only after years, when my age was about twelve, that my mother told me how anxious this singularity in me used to make her. She would miss me when looking out to see what the children were doing, and I would be called and searched for, to be found hidden away somewhere in the plantation. 母亲告诉我,我的特立独行曾经给她带来了多大的不安。 她窗外看看, 想看看孩子们都在做什么的时候, 却总是找不到我的踪影, 于是着急地叫我名字找我, 最后去发现我藏在农场的某个角落里。 美文阅读 watching me go Purpose : 扩大阅读面,词汇量,积淀语感。 Method : 朗读,体会,记忆。 streamed ran 紧紧抓住我,好像蜗牛附在草莓上一样 cling to 紧紧抓住,缠着,坚持 我一直抱着有一天会再见到他的希望。 I clung to the hope that I might see him again one day. apart from on neighborhood Grade be faced with wondering for 他是班上唯一不在教室里吃午饭的学生 可是一旦到了家,吃饱了,也拥抱过我了, 他的眉毛就会轻轻地皱起来, until looked back 他看到了一个朋友,就跟我吻别,蹦蹦 跳跳地跑开了。 celebrating independ


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